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The sisters, unguided achromat (final edition)


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This is the final edit of my little M45 Pleiades project. I say "final edit" but I will constantly be going back to tweak it more ;)

The previous effort was using 139 x 30sec exposures. This new final image is with an extra 75subs making it 214 x 30sec exposures, so 1.7hrs of data.

Setup: EQ3-2 using RA drive, ST102, un-modded canon 500D. Focus achieved with home made bahtinov mask. Stacked in DSS, editing done in PS CS2.

The main problems I face with this setup/target, are CA, bloated stars & gradients. I think I done an OK job on all of them. The original image had horrendous CA which I have "controlled" but not completely removed. I reduced the star bloat by using layers in PS. If there is any bad gradients in the image I can't see it on my un-calibrated monitor, thats my excuse and im sticking to it :)

One of the hardest things I found with M45 is the colour balance. I adjusted from cyan to a more violet hue and couldn't really decide which looked right...;) but I settled with this in the end.....



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Thanks for the comments folks. Looking at all the other great images on here I can't wait to get a scope with some proper glass inside it, i.e an ED80. Then Ill start saving for a better mount. I think I'm now hitting the limits with my current gear, but I'm still enjoying it.

I have had one more quick tweak in PS to get "slightly" better stars and give it a slightly different hue/contrast, and a tiny little extra stretch of the curves. Not sure if I have made it any better or not though.




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