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Imagine taking your telescope to the moon and looking back...

maroon bells

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Being an incurable anorak, I fired up StarryNight, went to the Moon (66km South of Rimae Plato) to see what the Earth looks like now (this evening at 20.30). I also used the FOV facility to see what Earth would look like using your telescope and a 4mm orthoscopic (I had to advance time a few hours to be able to see the UK).



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You are making me laugh!!

I thought that top picture was a load of UFO's flying over the moon.

Looking at the view of England I doubt I would be seeing the pyramids. It would be a lot more exciting than the moon though (not that I'm knocking it)

Steve you must be one of the top anoraks on here.

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Here's a hint: The pyramids are in Egypt....Not England.

Always one..... :)

It's pouring with rain....I've just made my special recipe chilli........And you have to mention a little mistake..

Looks more like Devon to me.... 8)

Were's my hat..... :D

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How come the moon seems so big in skies looking out from earth (even with a 25mm), but the earth would be small when looking out from the moon?

The moon to Earth (where we are standing) is the same distance as earth to the moon (where we would be standing).

I'm confused...

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Guilty as charged :oops:

Modesty suits you sir. :D

My apologies to all the other anoraks - it was delusions of grandeaur :)

Nah! it's OK Steve, there's a little bit of Napoleon in all of us, syndrome that is. Hic.,more wine sil vous plais. Hope I spelled that right, French is alien to t'spellchecker. :)
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The again if you hung around a bit youd see the great wall of china, or whats left of it, and no doubt a few Tescos stores as there are so many you couldnt miss.

Must admit though id be tempted to point the scope at all those lovely objects that the earth atmosphere ect does no justice too. And id look for the clangers as the old one I have has lost its whistle.

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How come the moon seems so big in skies looking out from earth (even with a 25mm), but the earth would be small when looking out from the moon?

The moon to Earth (where we are standing) is the same distance as earth to the moon (where we would be standing).

I'm confused...

On the conterary, the Earth as viewed from the moon will indeed look bigger than the full moon looks from Earth when compared. What made you think otherwise ?


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