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Jupiter 27/11/2011


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These images were taken using a 3x Barlow instead in a 2.5x Powermate. I do not think the seeing was really good enough to justify such a large image scale, but because it was much better than it has been lately I went for it anyway.


C9.25, 3x barlow, DFK 21AU618.AS







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seeing wasnt good around here either. struggled with focusing all night. the blurry in and out of focus type. Third image down is the best here i think

Yes that is exactly what I had, the image would snap into focus briefly but spent most of the time being very out of focus. But at least the planet kept a round shape, rather than wobbling all over the place as it has been doing over the past week or two.



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Looks like we have all been suffering the same poor conditions, though your images are still good.

Yes, it does seem like planetary imaging is 5% honing your capture and processing skills and 95% waiting for decent seeing.

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