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Yet another Newbie


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Thank you all for your warm welcome. I really didn't expect so many people to say hello - most heartening.

Well I picked up the scope, which I know some of the keen eyed on this forum had spotted on evilbay, a used Orion (US/China) XT8i for £150. It was a bit of a gamble as the seller was using a pic from the web and was new to the marketplace. I thought it was worth going for as I wasn't going to part with anything up front.

On collection the condition turned out to be not too bad - needed a bit of dust wiping off the outside of the tube but the mirrors were in good order. With it came 10 and 20mm plossls and a rather nasty 2x Barlow, half decent 9x50 correct-image finder scope and a few other bits; astro-box etc. I got it home and tweeked the collimation which, as a newbie, turned out to be a doddle thanks to the video Orion Telescopes have online. Then surprise, surprise, cloudy skies.

Got the scope out this evening to let it cool down in anticipation of forecast clear skies...

Wow! Not knowing my way around the night skies very well I had turned to the obvious - Jupiter. I could not contain myself as I went up to the 10mm eyepiece with the Barlow. The missus and the kids didn't seem to be as excited though! Nevermind, I was quite happy to sit out on my own until the encroaching cloud spoiled the fun.

After a bit more tinkering (putting a level base on the patio) I'll have to fire up the object locator and start exploring the rest of the universe!

Wishing you all clear skies.


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