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Plan of Action?

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Hi All,

This may seem a bit of a weird question but do you guys have a "Plan of Action" of what you are looking for that night or do you just randomly (dependant on the time of the year it is!) decide what you are looking for when you are out there?

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Not a weird question. It's different for everyone and depends on mood.

Usually I have a set of objects I want to see. Right now it's the Caldwell objects, so I'll see what's visible and new to me. Read about it. Then go hunt it down. If the seeing is good I will always linger over Jupiter for a while. I will often take detours to look at some of the showcase objects.

Some nights I may look for a particular object type, like galaxies or double stars, other times I may even just zoom from object to object. Seeing stuff I already know well. At some point I may start sketching.

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I usually try to prepare a list of 5-10 objects I know will be visible from the place and time I intend to observe. I don't always stick to the list but it's nice to have if you "run out of ideas". As I have no goto-scope it is also a good idea to check up on pictures and maybe print a detailed map from Cartes de Ciel if I am looking for some really faint stuff - can be hard to find and/or know if you've found the right thing otherwise.

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Just recently started seriously preparing lists of DSO that should be observable listed by constellation. Most of my observing in the past has been centred on visual planetary obs but recently look at more and more DSO's and found myself running out of objects to look at? - in a 10 inch Dob!

Forecast looks good for tonight early (fingers crossed) so think i will pick up the list of objects in Cygnus and see what I can find.

Some software programs will do this for you eg SkyCharts / Cartes du Ciel.


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It's a great question - certainly one that occurred to me but I didn't think to actually ask. As, for the time being, I only have my son's v.basic scope to borrow, I simply fire up Stellarium and see what should be bright in the sky at the time I have a chance to get out.

...and M numbers, any M numbers I get a chance to look for I will!

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Thanks for the advice everyone. I am getting too excited whilst I am out and would be searching for one thing then get side tracked and look for something else like a kid in a sweet shop! With a plan of what I am looking for I will probably have more success.

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I've only had my scope for about 4 months now so I haven't had it for an entire year yet.

So as for me, when I am able to go out and observe I try to look for everything I can. Once I have seen many things I'll take a look at specific objects more closely. By that time I hope to have completed my EP set.

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Recently, I have come to the conclusion that a plan is essential. I usually try to hunt down a toughie, and if I get it, great! Otherwise I tend to hit the easy's, M15, M57, M31, M81/82 (until recently for me, these were 'toughies' but I've got them now) and Jupiter, the arrangement of moons and the hope that the GRS might appear always attract me.

I have decided this Autumn/Winter a printed plan from Tonights Sky and Cartes DuCiel map with telrad circles are order of the day(night).

Mind you, I'm getting a peculiar error message for CdC recently when I try to print. Hope I can get it sorted. What I've also done recently is got a thin section of acetate and drawn a Telrad trace onto it, attached it to my Sky and Telescope Sky Atlas with a piece of string and leave it in the atlas like a bookmark and just move it over the appropriate page to allow me locate my target. It works!....sometimes, but thats just me. I find the pleasure is in the hunt......... and more in the finding.


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It depends on how long I have to observe.

If time is very short then I won't plan anything I'll just revisit obvious favourites, such as Albireo, Ring Nebula, Double Double, in the Summer Triangle.

For longer sessions, I like to have a list of targets I want to find with a mix of new ones and old favourites :icon_salut:

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