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observation forms ?

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ive been keeping notes on my observation sessions sinse i bought my first telescope in feb this year. trouble is its a little messy ,more like a rough draft if you like. is there somewhere to buy,or download some simple observation forms. or maybe people draft thier own and copy them?

would just like to make a good report file.

thanks .:)

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This is an interesting thread.

I've kept no notes so far, but when I start it will just be handwritten in a scrapbook, like a diary entry.

Date, place, time, equipment, things seen + description, anything else of note (like, get thicker woolly bunnet) and seeing.

What's missing?

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Yes this thread caught my eye too, i've observed many times and can't clearly compare sessions (**** memory). So from now on i'm going to log my sessions, hell even with a sketch !

Hardcover A4 notebook is next on my shopping list.


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ive been using a notepad sinse day 1 more or less. but it needs abit of structure as i get more into the hobby. what ive done is looked at a few examples online and made my own draft. kept basic ,with a space for any sketch i might attempt.

i'll get one good one printed off and then just photo copy as and when i need more.

ill get a folder to place them in and bobs your uncle.....i think...

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I started off trying to use an observation form I'd come across but ended up abandoning that idea and just scribbling in a note book. I personally found that I was trying to be too neat when using the forms and I was (unwittingly) paying more attention to this than the actual observing :) My observing notebook is very messy and unstructured but I enjoy looking back over my notes to compare observing sessions. I guess it's down to personal choice in the end :(

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I have used an A5 hardback spiral bound notebook to record all my observations and imaging sessions. It says something about the crummy UK weather that I am still on my first notebook after 2 years.

For observing, I list location, date, start and finish times, weather, seeing, transparency, LVM, equipment used. Then for each object viewed I record: which eyepieces gave the best views, notes about how the object looked, was it easy to find, direct or averted vision needed, any clear structure visible, dust lanes and what not, any other objects visible in the same field, star hopping notes, any filters used.

I use a small A6 cartridge pad for sketching. I tend to scan and tweak the sketches and keep them with my imaging files on the PC. The originals sometimes I cut out and paste into my notebook, most times I just reference the scanned image filename in the notebook.

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I have used an A5 hardback spiral bound notebook to record all my observations and imaging sessions. It says something about the crummy UK weather that I am still on my first notebook after 2 years.

For observing, I list location, date, start and finish times, weather, seeing, transparency, LVM, equipment used. Then for each object viewed I record: which eyepieces gave the best views, notes about how the object looked, was it easy to find, direct or averted vision needed, any clear structure visible, dust lanes and what not, any other objects visible in the same field, star hopping notes, any filters used.

I use a small A6 cartridge pad for sketching. I tend to scan and tweak the sketches and keep them with my imaging files on the PC. The originals sometimes I cut out and paste into my notebook, most times I just reference the scanned image filename in the notebook.

And I guess the value of all that info is when you return to a familiar object with different equipment. Like it.:)

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