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Have a go at this?

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Here is my first go at it, it's still a bit rough as I only have a little time to mess around with it this morning. Still playing around with it but have a family hike planned for the afternoon so it will have to wait until this evening for me to have another run-through :) You have a lot of nice dust in there!!


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If you don't mind Anitmorris, could you explain how you got this.

I've had a play with the above image and whilst I can get the dust to show you have much less noise evident in your final image.

I'm using IRIS.


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Derek -

I use Photoshop CS5 but here is the quick version of what I did, although a lot of what I do involves actions but I will explain without them.

Levels, curves, more levels, more curves. Selective deconvolution. Ran Gradient XTerminator, more curves with layers so I could enhance the areas I wanted without popping up the noise quite as much. Boosted star color a few times. Some dynamic enhancement via layers blended different ways. Layered this over a version I saved about halfway through the stretch so I could keep the star size down a bit by using masks. Saved this, then overstretched it a bit and over sharpened and copied this. Then went back to the last saved one, converted it to Lab color and pasted masked/blended version of the overstretched (mixed with the saved one) into Lightness then converted back to RGB. One more round of levels to get the black point where I wanted it.

As I said, that is the quick and dirty version of what I did. I can always do a more complete write up as I reprocess or video via Camtasia as I process it.


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Levels, curves, more levels, more curves. Selective deconvolution. Ran Gradient XTerminator, more curves with layers so I could enhance the areas I wanted without popping up the noise quite as much. Boosted star color a few times. Some dynamic enhancement via layers blended different ways. Layered this over a version I saved about halfway through the stretch so I could keep the star size down a bit by using masks. Saved this, then overstretched it a bit and over sharpened and copied this. Then went back to the last saved one, converted it to Lab color and pasted masked/blended version of the overstretched (mixed with the saved one) into Lightness then converted back to RGB. One more round of levels to get the black point where I wanted it

See a doddle, it's as simple as that - tee hee :)

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Brillaint thanks.. Ok.. in a word: photoshop.

I'll have a try with scripts in IRIS to do the following:

selective deconvolution


Ran Gradient XTerminator

I have a lot of tools.. just not these ones!



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See a doddle, it's as simple as that - tee hee :)

LOL exactly!! :-) Sorry, its hard to describe simply and succinctly a processing.

Don't forget to look at Anna's fantastic video tutorials.

Just discovered them myself and they are a great asset.

Thanks John - I am working on a few more that will hopefully be helpful as well, just been quite busy lately so I haven't gotten a chance to finish them.

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So are you guys gonna post your versions? I would like to see them (yours too Martin - it is YOUR data afterall!)

After seeing yours? - NO! :)

I'm capturing more data as I type this...cheat method, more data-less noise!:(

Oh ok then!...see attached


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