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First ever Jupiter


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I got the SPC880 webcam on Tuesday, flashed it on Wednesday evening to SPC900NC and gave it it's first test in the wee hours of Thursday 22nd September. My dob base mods were ready, lovely and smooth tracking now. Excitement was building.

It was not the perfect night by any means and my observation session did not start well! Long story short, I managed to capture three hazy AVIs between the clouds and then got stuck in to Registax. After a lot of tweaking, it rewarded me with something I'm pretty proud of for starters. Even got a moon!

Can't wait for better nights! Practice makes perfect (as close as the variables allow) as they say...


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Thanks very much for the kind feedback.

Nothing beats seeing it with your own eyes but a photo momento can be cool too.

I'm hoping my 'AstroPanel' android app forecast (great app by the way - highly recommended) is correct and I get a chance to see (and capture hopefully) Jupiter's red dot for the first time.

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Thanks again.

I think my next 'astro-photographic' related investment will be an autofocuser.

I realise focus is king when imaging and I waste quite a few 5sec FOV passes tweaking it by hand, which causes the inevitable crazy shakes. Valuable time!

The skywatcher one seems a bit big. Before I go down the route of possibly making my own, does anyone know of a slimmer one?

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