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M31 Final


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Well is it ever finished? Ask George Lucas HAHA :rolleyes:

Ok this is where im calling it with present Data. I shall spam you no more :glasses2:

Revelation 100ED, EQ6 Guided with PHD, QHY8L 81 300s Subs, 100bias 80 Darks, ZERO flats ;)


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It's damned good. Bit greeny in the blues for my eye and I don't hesitate to say it because anyone who thinks they've finished with M31 is deluding themselves. Evil grin!! (I speak as one who knows!!) You WILL be back and spam it is not...

The arms-core contrast you have is great and so is your penetration into the core. The spiral arms and dust lanes are really convincing and insistent.

A fine effort... in progress. Heh heh heh. M31 is a life sentence. Welcome to death row...

(Dives for cover...)


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Thats the money shot as they say, its fantastic. I did my first M31 a couple nights ago and was really pleased. Your pic shows just how much scope there is and makes me want to add more data to my own attempt. This version retains the transparent/ethereal look that I find makes galaxies look more real.

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I Think all of them have plus points, but im struggling to get all these selected plus point into one image.

I feel this one has much better detail but the core is a little to bright. and there is an overall redder tint, which seems to have happened since i used Flats.

The problem im coming to though is what am I trying to do, process an image or convert something into something that its not... does that make sense?


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