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BST Explorer 5 mm with F/5 Dob ? ?


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Hi All,

Tempted to buy the BST Explorer 5 mm for my 10" F/5 Dob for the rare occasions I might be able to go to 250x. Just wondered if anyone uses this eyepiece at this mag and at this fast focal ratio? I wont get to use it often, so dont want to go mad moneywise, but wonder if it wont perform well, whats the point. Have a BST Explorer 8mm giving me 156x which I love, a TMB Type II 6mm giving me 208x which I'm less happy with. Dont know if its the extra mag that makes the TMB perform less well, or whether the BST performs better, or is it the lower mag helping the BST. I'd appreciate any experience you ladies or gentlemen have in the matter. Thanks


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I got the 8mm and 5mm BST's for my 250px (f4.8) back in May but havent really had good dark skies to try it, the times I did try on Saturn, the 5mm gave quite a blurry view compared to the 8mm but that could have been down to conditions. Im not giving up on it though, I'd like a full season of dark nights before I can judge better. Im sure "Sky's The Limit" let you try before you buy, that may help you decide.


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  • 4 weeks later...


I managed a half hour between clouds in my garden a night last week and had a good crisp view of Jupiter with the 5mm BST - 240X mag, clear banding visible and no hint of blurriness, totally different from my views earlier in the year, Ive got no hesitation in recommending it now.


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Thanks for all your help folks. I might have to treat myself. Its a toss up between the BST or an 11mm Explore Scientific 82* that I can barlow. There's about €60 difference though.


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  • 6 months later...

Having a 5mm Baader Hyperion (not the same I know), I find that an ortho yields better views at that magnification than an eyepiece with lots of glass in. Sure, less field of view, but the image more than makes up for that.

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