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dont you just love neighbours


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Id been planning all day to grab an extended picture of the ISS going right over the top of my house, a nice horizon pic was the aim, well the camera was set up, the bulb setting was in position and the external button to take the snap was ready as was I. I could see it rising on the software I had and suddenly i saw a glimpse in my eyesite, guess what??? the neighbour over the back from me decided to go outside and turned on two ultra bright external lights so he could let the cat out.

I wont mention the profanity that expelled from my gob, but any chance of banning neighbours please, I had a look at my picture but sad to say its like the inside of a street light. Oh well, its back again tomorrow id love to try again but i have to be in work at 7pm :D I think next tme ill have to aim at the zenith instead of the horizon.

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lol well my wife has finally started to sympathise with me as she was wanting to see this pic of the ISS. She has now given me the go ahead if i want to install two industrial spot lights, ones used in prisons, and aim both of them at the neighbours house. Along with a mega sound system which does nothing all night but play barry manilow records (apologies to barry manilow fans)

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I'm thinking of buying half of St. Neots (where I live) and then just razing it to the ground so I can get some good scope time in. I've just had a couple of hours out with the new baby and apart from the 'greatest' hits of the 80's (Rick Astely etc etc) drifting over from a neighbour's garden, the constant stream of lights going on and off etc etc just wants to make be hire a JCB..

By the way, Proflight if you want some music that would REALLY annoy the neighbours, just let me know :D.....

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...the neighbour over the back from me decided to go outside and turned on two ultra bright external lights so he could let the cat out...

Ironic that the CAT (with dark adaptation ruined) probably felt fairly miffed too. Ah, humans... :D

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A few easy solutions to your neighbour... you will require...

Solution 1 - (Devious, "They'll never know" method)

-One small tripod with custom holder mounted

-One laser pen holder carefully aimed at the security light sensor

-One red laser pen (dont use a green one, it will give it away)

-Lots of AA batteries!

Action: Set up laser to fool the sensor in to thinking its still light, then enjoy your security light free night

Solution 2 - (Hardcore, desperate maniac method)

-One High power BB Gun, Shotgun or sniper rifle

-One gun mounted laser sight (optional)

-One gun silencer (optional)

-If not using the above.... one lightning storm to disguise noise

-One army camauflage suite (optional, for added aesthetics and satisfaction)

Action: Take out sensor. (For added peice of mind, take out light bulb also)

Solution 3 - ("Civilised, but still desperate" method)

-One telescope

-A clear night with Moon, Saturn or Jupiter in view

Action: Invite your neighbour over to see through your scope, then go on to explain the effects of immediate light pollution.

:D :D

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Solution 3 works especially well if you have a PST a barbeque and some (lots of) beer. Kids will love seeing the "bonfires" on the sun and the adults will be awestruck. Some DSO snaps on the laptop help as well if you explain that it would be even better if some twonk didn't keep turning their lights on.

Captain Chaos

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Can I add an option 4 ?

Crazy, Psychopath, point-of-no-return, no compromise method

-Semtex, C4 or homemade explosives

-Remote detonator kit

-Map of the national grid

-Red astro torch

Action: Find your nearest sub-station, pay it a visit diguised as an engineer. Locate the main transformers and laden them with expolives. Via the comfort of your back garden and remote control, take out yours truley. (Advisable to polar align your scope before the detonation to maximise on street light down time).. Blissfully watch as the orange skyglow dissapears before your eyes, enjoy the milky way and the heavens..

Vivid imagination? me? Hey I'm an astronomer


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Ive just had the same proplem found out I could walk close to the oil tank trip over the bunding and arrive at the telescope with out the neighbours outside light coming on put eye to eye piece and two doors down lets the dog out on comes the flippin light I had managed to avoid.


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Dont risk getting caught with expolives at your local transformer just take the said cat along and shut it in wont be long before it causes a short and all the lights go out. Plus when the engeneers fix the proplem your neighbour will not have a cat left to put out.

Ps I love cats really.


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My neighbour, thought she was helping me, by turning on her outside light, just to help me "see" what I was doing...

... although as a "nosey" neighbour, it was more likley, to help her see what I was doing..!!! grrrrr :x

Might have to be a sabotage job soon, wait till she's out, and snip that cable.... bzzzzzt! crackle! 'burnt but happy munky!'

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The lights that come on when they see movement annoy me. I fully understand that people may want to sit outside on warm nights having a barbie or a few beers and my astronomy will have to suffer a wee bit as a result. What I don't understand is why a WW2 prision camp searchlight has to come on at 3am because a cat is taking a dump in my neighbours garden.

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My silenced webley air rifle arrived a few days ago and i've already taken out one street lamp and my next door neighbours spotlight, if it had a sensor i would have taken that out but the cheeky [removed word] actually switch it on themselves before they go to bed, i have a bit of a temper when it comes to unwanted light :D

If anyone wants any lights taken out on their street gimme a call, i don't charge much :D

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My silenced webley air rifle arrived a few days ago and i've already taken out one street lamp and my next door neighbours spotlight, if it had a sensor i would have taken that out but the cheeky [removed word] actually switch it on themselves before they go to bed, i have a bit of a temper when it comes to unwanted light :D

Careful Nitram. As a firearms user and airgun owner I have had great fun with mine popping off various targets but beware, I have had some nasty ricochets in my time and you wouldn't want the local kids to be playing in the street at the time you are popping off street lights.

It is illegal to fire an air weapon within 15 metres (50 feet) of a road or street—Sentence—a fine of up to £1,000. You might also get a summons for criminal damage.


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I would be careful about shooting out streetlamps and my neighbour's lights. A broken floodlight is pretty clearly malicious damage, and if it happens too often, will attract the attention of the police, because your neighbour will be complaining to them, or the council will. I have moved my scope to where my shed shields me from two streetlamps. My neighbour ( a very nice guy ) sometimes leaves his front lights on, although he is pretty conscientious about turning them off when he doesn't need them. A 2' x 4' shield of some kind will block those lights from me. I once hung my patio umbrella on the fence for that purpose. I live in a city - there are lights. It's a fact of amateur astronomy, work with it.

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