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Solar viewing/Imaging


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Hi People.

Right wanna have a go at the above. Can you tell me exactly what I need and what to do. Dont want to be making anything if poss, would rather purpose built solar filters etc.

What do you think the results will be like with the C8.



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Adam has C8 solar filters on his website for £55 (if I'm looking at the right thing). That should be all you need I think, but give him a call and I'm sure he'll sort you out.

Or grab a PST as there is nothing visible on the sun in white light (and very little in Ha!) at the moment.

Captain Chaos

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Second that,the suns about exiting as paint drying at the moment (there are a few proms though).

Adrian you will be able to observe sunspots when there visible and you can get some good detail if you barlow a toucam at f20.

I now use my Zs66 for white light obs and a Pst for a more interesting view

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Or even some solar film and a crochet ring, dont forget to cover any finders by the way, I learned the hard way, I had my scope covered well, then realised afterwards that id left the finder uncovered and it burned the cross hairs off, not on the skywatcher id add.

This is a snap shot I took of a quarter of the sun using a toucam, must say id agree it isnt very exciting, it makes you want one of the nice solar viewers.


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Ahh something to do during the day, well takes me back to my other hoby of taking and collecting shots of aircraft at high altitude, although I have a bit of kit that tells me who they are and when they will be overhead. Try a few, although as is always mentioned, the light during the day can be quite bright in a large telescope.

This is one I took of CSA flight on route to Montreal from Prauge at 34,000 feet.


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