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what colour filter is best to use on jupiter...


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In my view, it is best to try different ones as different colours yield different views of the same object, I have the celestron ones but have to admit, I prefer not to use colour filters, but I am not a 'Planets' observer anyway, but do not like to miss opportunities to see Jupiter or Saturn, my favourite planets and their moons, of course. Really the message here is to experiment with different filters as they each provide different nuances.

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I also have the Celestron colour filters and yes, the differing filters produce different views. I might have read somewhere that blue is good for Jupiter. You would probably need high mag for these filters to make much of a difference.Sorry cant help you much.

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I have a whole range of filters and, personally, I prefer no filter at all. Au naturel. Maybe you can draw out a bit of contrast with, say, a blue filter. But who wants to see Jupiter looking bright blue? In my view, finding the detail is simply down to patience, practice and good seeing. And good optics!

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I often find #96 standard neutral-grey moon filter useful, especially when the Jupiter is high in the sky and bright. It reduces glare and I often spot more atmospheric details, beyond NEB and SEB.

For GRS, #80A blue filter works really well.

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