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canon camera help please!

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I had a few minutes of clear sky so I took a series of 30 sec exposures of the zenith with my 1100D.

Of course I used RAW mode... but now how do I convert the RAW data into something useful? Or does DSS understand Canon's CR2 raw mode?

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Right, thanks. I've tried it out in DSS and it seems to load the pics, but it just tells me they're rubbish (0 stars). So my next question: how do you focus a DSLR on infinity - cranking the focus all the way seems to go a bi too far.

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Right, thanks. I've tried it out in DSS and it seems to load the pics, but it just tells me they're rubbish (0 stars). So my next question: how do you focus a DSLR on infinity - cranking the focus all the way seems to go a bi too far.

Find a bright star, then use your Liveview onthe 1100D (if it has it) to focus - you should be able to zoom in 10x using live view and this will allow you to focus easier - moving on from there, a Bhatinov Mask will help you considerably.

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i found a "easy" way of semi focusing is to put the camera into auto mode but take off one of the settings on the lens,

get it to focus on the moon, and it "should" be near enough in perfect focus

also in dss u can change the amount of stars found by a slider (its in one of the registoring settings) ajust it to a very small 2% i think and see if that brings anything out, if still nothing, let it stack post the final picture (after moving the colours together and giving it about 15,17 saturation and we can see if theres any data there at all :)

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I had another gap in the clouds and had another go - this time I got cassiopeia in several shots, admittedly with some cloud trails. My focus still off though... How do I zoom in live view? It's probably in the user manual, but that is unfortunately in Dutch!

I had another gap in the clouds and had another go - this time I got cassiopeia in several shots, admittedly with some cloud trails. My focus still off though... How do I zoom in live view? It's probably in the user manual, but that is unfortunately in Dutch!

EDIT I found the english manual online, and now know how to zoom the live view! Yippee!

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thats fine ags :) any questions and i'll try to answer, and if i dont know theres bound to be some one who does

iv got a pretty old DSLR (300d) which dosent have a liveview so i only use lens for my viewing (and old manual ones at that:P) the older ones are eaiser to focus (as the ∞ is labled) which type lens you using?

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I'm using the 18-55 kit lens. It doesn't have an infinity mark... Perhaps i shall try negotiate funds for some old lenses... Can you suggest some good names to look out for? Auto focus isn't essential, i have been playing with manual focus and in some ways it is more convenient.

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ahh the good ol kit lens, iv got one and iv found it fantastic for normal day - day but couldnt get it to manual focus on anything bar the moon:P but focusin on the moon does bring stars neally into focus

a lot of people use m42 threaded lens (with a m42 - efs adapter) i got mine on ebay, with caps i think my 58mm was, £30 (inc adapter), 135mm - £20, 200mm £20 if they mention dust avoide (unless you want to mess with takin flats) also fungi, mine are hanimax, tamron and helios, but m42 are pentax lens. but u wll need to budget a adapter as well.

i cant get used to auto focus at all i take most of my normal outside pictures with my 58 or my 135mm i find it eaiser :) (put it this way if taken better pictures with my 20 - 45 year old lens than my uncle who has lens £200+)

if you do find focus with the kitlens get a bit of tipex and mark where it is for easy finding next time!

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