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help me find cygnus

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If you go out as soon as it gets dark, you will see 3 Bright stars almost overhead, This is called the Summer Triangle. Once you find the triangle look for the top left star, it is called DENEB and is the brightest star in the Constellation of Cygnus(The swan). Deneb is the Tail of the swan, you will see 3 stars in a line just below it, these are the wings of the swan and if you follow a line from the Tail past the middle of 3 stars for 2 times the distance you will find Albiero(The Head) a beautiful blue/yellow double star


Happy Hunting

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Deneb is the tail of the swan really and Albireo is its head (think of the shape of a swan in flight, the wings are much closer to the tail than the head...). The swan is flying "down" the sky. The central star where the wings join the body is called Sadr.

You may see another two stars, a bit fainter, extending the wings further out and giving a pleasing backward curve to them.

Good luck!


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Thanks for all your help and have never looked or understood the cygnus constallation. I will scope it out, i am interested in a star in the cygnus constallation but forgot what its called right now i think it starts with a B.

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Thanks for all your help and have never looked or understood the cygnus constallation. I will scope it out, i am interested in a star in the cygnus constallation but forgot what its called right now i think it starts with a B.

its probably Albireo the best and most beautiful double star in the sky :)

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