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Lunar DFK 618 1st light 19th Aug

Space Cowboy

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Thanks for your comments guys! Very encouraged by these images and the potential the DFK has considering these were only 2-300 stacked frames. If i can fix tracking so 2-3000 stack frame images can be gained then that really will be interesting!

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As John Mentioned i think the best of these 3 was the top image, Seems to show the most detail. Lunar imaging in hi resolution is a lot harder than what some people think. Not sure how much you have done of this, but i dont recall a lot of lunar from you. its a good start. You certainly havent over processed. if anything i belive that top image could take a lot more sharpening before it looked OTT, try see if you agree you may not. Im always going back and forth with drier sharper renditions. and softer more natural ones. but dont under sharpen, over sharpen is bad. but under sharpening is robbing your self of detail. with all the hard work, worth experimenting maybe. I lkie that top image. keep at it. also when you get the chance go up slowly in power say 3x barlow to 5x powermate. i spent years doing that. you get to learn a lot about being able to get sharp lunar for the conditions at hand like that

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Thanks Neil. I've not done much lunar with the Dob because of the tracking issues and unlike planets I can't use castrator. This was just a quick test after imaging Jupiter before I packed up that morning.

These images have been heavily cropped to remove all the distortion caused by image drift which meant the outside of each image did not sharpen the same as the center. Mosaicing 2 images caused a softening effect on the top shot.

Might have more success using my little MAK if tracking with the Dob does not improve. Had some nice shots with that last year.

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