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Possible to use a telescope sitting down?

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I have a problem with my legs which is exacerbated with standing still.

Having tried lots of scopes lately I have come to the conclusion that long refractors are the way forward for me.

I can sit in a comfy fold up directors chair with my legs outstretched and view for hours.

I also use bins and a sun recliner for when sitting gets painful.


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Hi all,

As is usual on SGL, I'm discovering, once again another thread filled with great advice.

I wonder if Squif has made her mind up regards the perch or the webcam route.

Certainly helped me out too! :rolleyes:



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As a unidexter

Just those three words made me laugh out loud, Olly. It's a sad thing that there's probably an entire generation that has grown up now without the benefit of Peter Cook and Dudley Moore.

I absolutely agree about sitting though. It's more comfortable, less tiring and easier to stay still. For me it makes far more sense to sit whilst viewing if at all possible (and my obsy design has the pier height set specifically so the ep height should give comfortable seated viewing with most of my scopes).


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One of the members of our club is pretty much confined to a wheelchair, or rather, a motorized scooter-chair. He uses a a 10 inch ( sorry about the American measurement system - 254mm ) F:7 Dobsonian. He can stand up when he needs to, but much prefers to sit at the eyepiece. He uses one of those "ladder-chairs" that has the seat that rides up and down on a series of notches, and finds that to be just about perfect for almost all of his viewing needs.

My feet and knees are not in all that great shape, themselves. I have taken to astro-photography, and am doing almost all of my viewing with a DSLR and video monitor. After I get everything lined up, and start taking pictures, I can sit back in a camping chair, and let the scope, tripod and camera do all the work ! You see a bunch more in the finished images than you ever could "live" at the eyepiece, anyway, and I spent the first 40 or so years in this avocation looking through the eyepieces. I think I deserve a break !


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Just those three words made me laugh out loud, Olly. It's a sad thing that there's probably an entire generation that has grown up now without the benefit of Peter Cook and Dudley Moore.
Well, Mr. Spigott, need I point out to you where your deficiency lies as regards landing the role?

Dudley: Yes, I think you ought to.

Peter: Need I say with overmuch emphasis that it is in the leg division that you are deficient.

Dudley: The leg division?

Peter: Yes, the leg division, Mr. Spigott. You are deficient in it — to the tune of one. Your right leg I like. I like your right leg. A lovely leg for the role. That's what I said when I saw you come in. I said ‘A lovely leg for the role.’ I've got nothing against your right leg. The trouble is — neither have you. You fall down on your left.

Sorry to go off topic - but it does bring back memories - catch the sketch on

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