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Saturn 26-3-07 Carp(ish) seeing

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After hours and hours of trying to coax an image out of my AVIs, this is as good as it gets. Watching the rings flapping about during the alignment wasn't a good sign, but I had to get something out of 'em. This is from just one 2 minute AVI (out of the 35 that I did on the self-guiding autopilot setting).


300mm f/5.3 Newt. with 4X Imagemate and a Toucam Pro webcam. K3CCD tools and Registax used for capture and processing.

The stripes on the surface are getting visible, but the notchy and doubly exposed versions of Cassini mess it all up. I'm now confident that I have an imaging system that would could work, all I need is some steady air. I think Rog. said that there's a bloke in Pickering who sells it or something.

Captain Chaos

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Nice work CC.

As for the seeing, I don't know what 'Pickering' thinks, but the view through the eyepiece bears no relation to what the camera is producing. Very annoying.

Perhaps we should all club together and launch our own space telescope. I'm sure Steve could do us a good price on a suitable imaging setup for it.


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Keep at it CC, you should be able to get some good results with that set-up.

The seeing has been absolutely pants all Winter, but there's some high pressure coming over next week. As long as we aren't shafted by the jetstream, it could be a good (last?) opportunity to nail a decent Saturn this year.



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