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Milky Way from 35,000ft


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I was going to put this in the Wide field imaging forum but decided to put it in here. Anyway my brother was looking at airliners.net, a website me and him always look at, and there is a mouth dropping picture someone took. The photo is of the Milky Way Galaxy from 35,000 ft. The photographer is Kavin Kowsari and he was on a JetStar Airways flight that was at its cruising altitude. This is a breathtaking picture of our home that we call the Milky Way.

Photos: Airbus A330-202 Aircraft Pictures | Airliners.net

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hmm, 5 sec exposure, moving/shaking plane, internal lights and so much details of milky way...? i think it is fake, but correct me if I am wrong. I know it is high iso and lack of LP outside, but still...

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hmm, 5 sec exposure, moving/shaking plane, internal lights and so much details of milky way...? i think it is fake, but correct me if I am wrong. I know it is high iso and lack of LP outside, but still...

I was thinkng that as well. I suppose he could have jammed the lens up against the window and hoped for the best. If it was a smooth flight in a new 'plane then he could have been lucky.:)

Anyway, it's a pretty good fake if it is one and if it's not it's just a very good photo. :eek:

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Having taken some milky way shots down under last year, I'd say this is perfectly feasible with a high ISO setting, 5 second exposure and some stretching of levels. Some of my shots were only 8 seconds and showed a similar depth of star fields from the ground. Like this one, for example:


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He had a lot working in his favor. First being at a high altitude will give you a clearer view and less light pollution, heck NASA has a 747 with a telescope in it. Since its night time, the cabin lights would probably be off or dim. Also he was using a high ISO and a fast lens.

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