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6" Refractor

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Anyone got one of these ?

152/900mm Großfeldrefraktor - 3' Crayford Auszug

I know it is an Achromat but it is manufactured by the chinese company whose scopes are getting rave reviews at the moment.

If someone is interested in visual only and put up with some CA then it seems like a winner if you want the sort of contract you get from a refractor. Remember you are paying 10 times as much for an equivelent Apo - which is beyond the means of many stargazers.

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Anyone got one of these ?

152/900mm Großfeldrefraktor - 3' Crayford Auszug

I know it is an Achromat but it is manufactured by the chinese company whose scopes are getting rave reviews at the moment.

If someone is interested in visual only and put up with some CA then it seems like a winner if you want the sort of contract

Obvious typo - it should say CONTRAST

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Looks a really nicely finished scope. And would make a good low power scope for sweeps of the sky.

But i would worry that f5.9 is very fast for a 152mm achromat and likely going to result in some pretty harsh CA. Not sure i could spend 800euro on a very fast achro.

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This is a review of the scope - considering the price and the spec it seems a nice package. In reality how many of us will buy a 6" Inch Apo - everyone had high hopes for the forthcoming skywatcher 6" Apo, but with prices around the £6k mark I can't see many people buying it when they can buy a slightly smaller aperture Tak for similar money. You pay your money you take your choice !

Astromart Reviews - ASTRO TELESCOPES 152mm, f/5.9 REFRACTOR OTA

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Thanks quattrorings for the review, interesting reading. The focuser seemed promising till you read the details although I personally like that the fact that the lens cell is capable of being collimated. Proves that price isn't everything and agree with the author that if ED glass was used instead then although a bit dearer, it might find some uses but as it is, with the need for filters to combat CA I agree with Russ, a bit over priced.

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You can pick up a s/h Skywatcher 6" F5 for around £200, they have a collimatable cell and give great views of DSO's. CA is not too obtrusive and can be reduced with appropriate filters. Vey heavy though!.

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