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First PST image.


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This is my first go with my PST, somewhat inspired by Kev's efforts of late but haven't had the time yet to fully iron out the kinks. I have done a rough working following Kev's page PST Solar Imaging PhotosbyKev but I haven't quite got the knack of it yet, amongst other things I'm having trouble getting the two discs the same size and was having registax issues, still, it's a start and now both kids are in bed I can have a relax and get my head straight before having another go at the processing.

This was taken with my 450D and Hyperion Zoom about 11am this morning.



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Nice 1st image :)

looking at the histogram of the original image the red channel is heavily overexposed so you have lost most of the detail. 1/25sec@ iso 200 will give you the prom details but it is too long for the surface. A correctly exposed image for the surface looks fairly dark and you really need to look at the red channel histogram to make sure it isn't being clipped :). At iso 200 maybe 1/250sec is nearer the exposure you need for the surface

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Thanks :)

It was at 1/25 sec, I do have a couple of ones at 1/250 as well and a few others. I will have another go tomorrow using one of those and at least I'll be a bit more familiar with PS next time around.

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Thanks for the pointers, that makes things much easier. :)

So here is my next attempt I think it's much better anyway, still a bit off but it's amazing what a good nights rest can do. And I know it's not rotated correctly yet. I used an 1/500 exp for the surface this time, I might try the 1/250 too later. And I wasn't too sure about the wavelets so just made smallish adjustments to 3,4 and 6 in registax.


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Thanks guys for the comments. :)

I'd really like less rain so I can get a wider selection of shots to work with, I'm sure it'll clear up eventually.

The rotation thing is bugging me, none of the flips put it in the right spot and when you choose to type the °'s in it just rotates the whole canvas. Mind you I managed to do it with the first red image I posted.

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you need both flips to get it right :) Assuming you are mounting the DSLR so that it's base is towards the back of the PST

edit: well that's what I'm doing and I think I've got the correct orientation but I have been known to be totally wrong before lol

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Well that is the general idea I was working with but I'm thinking everything must of shifted in the eyepiece holder when I was changing the zoom.

Practice makes perfect so they say. :)

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Thanks for the link, I finally have the rotation sussed now. Well I have updated the picture and it's a lot closer to where it should be.

I have just figured out where I am going wrong with the surface proms too, so if it clears tomorrow I'm sure I'll be more successful. It's hard to know if your in the sweet spot or not just using live view or through the viewfinder.

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I tried 33°'s and that wasn't right so I tried the 40° CW that you mentioned. I think that's pretty close.

I need a usb cable first, I may have one but it could be anywhere if I do. If not I'll order one I can definitely see the advantages to that.

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Thank you Mike :BangHead:

It looks as if that activity at on the right hand side around 2:30/3:00 O'clock has blossomed into sunspot 1257 overnight.

It's a pity that just as the penny dropped as to where I was going wrong a weeks worth of cloud moved in. Very frustrating.

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I had a little time today and I'm not all that happy with todays results although I did manage to pick up some of the surface proms which is a step forward. I didn't really have enough time to play around between the clouds.

I also thought I'd have a go with the zoom at 8mm on a couple of the proms so I figure I'll show that instead of the full disk.


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