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Anyone with a Skyliner Flextube 400p Goto?

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I have a Celestron 8SE and am planning on upgrading to a Skyliner Flextube 400p Goto. 16in.

I understand it is going to be a massive scope.

I can't find any reviews for it online, has anyone here got one? How is the optical quality compared to the smaller skyliner scopes?

Thanks for your help.


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It's big... very big. You are well advised to see one in the flesh before buying. But great scope once set up and well collimated - optically they're amongst the best value for money in the commercially produced scopes - you'll get fine and clear views of most anything up there (given good seeing) - but I'm biased - look at OO and Meade LightBridge dobs first so you get a good comparison.

But bang for the buck a big dob is hard to beat :)

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Thanks for the fast replies. I am new to viewing the skies. And tbh i mainly do it for pleasure, and its always been my childhood dream to one day have a proper telescope. The 8SE is a great little scope. But it lacks the wow factor for me. Messier's are generally sharpe and clear, but the images of them

Lack the brightness, especially from my back yard.

Being a 'pleasure' viewer i want a scope that will wow me with is views espically when i go to darkish sites in surrey.

I have a van so the size of the 400p wont be a problem.

Ive read lots of 350p reviews, but i just want feedback from an actual 400p ower to cofirm the optics are still decent for their new flagship size scope.

Cant wait to get it. I have serious aperture fever atm!

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Hi Pingster

If you wanna look through a 16" scope, Why not come along to one of the Surrey Observers sessions on Ranmore Common ( Nr Dorking ).

I sometimes take my larger scope up there ( if you Pm me to let me know you're coming I'll take the 16").

Be aware though big Dobs work best under dark skies. Surrey is not where they perform best, I seldom use mine anywhere near London and the south east.

Regards Steve

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the skywatcher base is in 4 bits held together by large knobbed nuts...takes less than a min to take apart...& 2 mins in semi-dark to put back together again...the whole thing easily goes in a small hatchback car... message me if you want more info

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Hi Steve. Thats a very kind offer and i would certainly like to take up your offer. Ill PM you and having an astro budy would be good. I have to admit i have found that i am a astro geek by nature, as in, i enjoy really 'geeking out viewing'. Just stareing at the views and soaking in the atmosphere. Before i got my 8SE i thought i would be showing friends the views. Maybe the views from an 8in are not that impressive hence i find i keep the experience to myself most the time "geeking out"'.

The weather is real bad these days and finding a suitable slot on short notice is the most difficult problem xD

Atm i go to Bignor, south of Dorking. And to postcode TN13 south of Maidstone. Would you consider them suitable locations for a 16in scope? I must admit recenty i found these locstions by viewig the UK light polution map and driving to those locations. They are in the "night blue" regions so i assume they are pretty good dark skies? If not what postcodes do you normally use your 16in scope at? Feel free to pm me the post codes if you dont want them on public view.

I am sonsidering a new location in the Isle of Sheppey. Far east from London. Does that sound like a good location for 16in scopes?

I am in SE London and hence look for dark locations max 1.5hrs travel.



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Hi Dobby, thats some useful info. I was planning to spray waterproof laqure all over the base to stop the base from 'expanding'. But hearing about the quick breakdown/build knobs, makes me reconsider. Would be sure useful to be able to take it down quick.

Steve, what make is your 16in Dob?

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TBH what I do is, during the week I observe from Ranmore common with my 10" baby dob if it is clear.

If the weekend looks clear I load up the 16" and head off to Salisbury plain, I observe from the northern ( darker ) side of the plain.

I also like to head up to the Highlands for a week or two's camping Nr Kyle of Lochalsh and really let it stretch it's legs. Snowdonia is also good and I am currently converting an old army ambulance to an overland camper to enable me to get a big Dob to some truly remote places ( Siberia and maybe the Sahara).

As you can probably tell I'm a dark sky addict.:(

I used to use mine in the week from a site Nr Holmbury St Mary which was passable but now I am living in Sutton ( I used to live nearer to it ) I find the journey a little long ( 45 mins ) for week nights, and the site not dark enough for all nighters.

Sounds to me like you are prepared to drive with yours too.

Near town and light pollution my 16" is not much better than my 10" but from Salisbury plain it leaves it for dust. Don't get me wrong a 16" does work from LP skies it is just I wish to get the most out of owning a larger scope.

Owning a larger scope and using it from or near a town is like owning a speed boat and using it on a stream, you just can't open it up. IMO.

I will have to check out your locations, maybe a friday night ( If this weather ever improves).

My 16" is a Meade Lightbridge. like you I have a van to transport it. It's very quick and easy to assemble on my own in the dark, takes just a few minutes, then collimate ( it holds collimation pretty well for a big mirror, normally just a tweak), have a cuppa while the mirror cools, then hey presto!

I have bad "aperture fever" myself right now so don't know how much longer I'm gonna be able to hang on to the 16". It's gonna have to go to partly fund that big mirror set that calls my name every night......:)

It's funny when I first got the 16" I thought it was a "Huge Dob" but know I see it as just a "Large scope".

Warning: Dark skies and Big Dobs are seriously bad for your wallet. They have a ravenous appetite for premium eyepieces too......;)

Regards Steve

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Hahaha Steve, your post echos my current crave for apperture ;)

I dont mean to offend anyone, I can't imagine how one can be content with an 8in, only a week after getting it i could not get my mind of the fever :( I guess if you live in great dark skies then an 8in indeed would provide you great sharpe contrasty views of the M's. And i confirm that its great for saturn and jupitor even in town skies.

Last week i was even looking at a 18in Obsession UC, but with shipping and tax from USA it was just too much ;)

I have too become an addict of the dark sky and have set it my mission to find them, or at least the best location within 1.5hrs travel. It seems like every other night i open the back door and check the skies... and if it looks good i might be tempted to travel out.

I guess i am echoing what many members here have been thru. ;)

Its a real shame fuel costs hinder my travel needs :)

And yes, i agree, you have spent so much, so go all the way to fully enjoy your scope.

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