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a good night!

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Had a fairly good night tonight(as I'm an ultra novice) I tried out my 4mm lens and 3x barlow on the moon saw some amazing detail and got some shpictures afocally, better than my first attempt but still not worthy of posting them in my opinion, I also saw saturn for the second time before the cloud rolled in and cut the night short. I had so much fun out there even though I know saturn and the moon are old hat for most of you but with the capabilities of my scope and the ridiculously bright street lights around me that's about my limits at the moment I have a celestron ps 127eq its my first scope and I'm happy with it at the moment while I'm learning to use it and learning my way round the night sky I would love to upgrade it eventually but due to my extremely tight budget its going to be a few years away yet.

I'm not sure what the meaning of this post is a think I'm rambling a bit:) I've certainly got the bug now its so addictive, hopefully in a few years(and maybe a lotto win) ill own a scope that will help me enjoy it even more and maybe start dso imaging because some of the pictures I've seen on here are absolutely breathtaking. I'm going to stop talking now. Clear skies. John

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....I'm not sure what the meaning of this post is a think I'm rambling a bit:) I've certainly got the bug now its so addictive....

No worries - you are having fun - feel free to share it ;)

It reminds those of us who are clouded out that there is still great stuff up there :)

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sounds like you saw more than most have over the last few days! in my case, white fluffy cloud.

every single time I observe I look at the available planets and the moon so don't worry about being old hat, they are targets we all return to continually.

in fact you are in good company, Sir Patrick Moore has always said that our own satellite is his favourite celestial object and he has spent his whole life observing it, mapping it and enjoying it. when you consider the level of detail you can detect on the moon, this is no big surprise either.

try doing the Lunar 100 http://the-moon.wikispaces.com/Lunar+100 which provides some easy and some very challenging targets.

rambling on is something I often do too in my observing reports (and obviously my replies to threads!) and it's a sign of enthusiasm that I hope you (and I) never lose.



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try doing the Lunar 100 http://the-moon.wikispaces.com/Lunar+100 which provides some easy and some very challenging targets.

rambling on is something I often do too in my observing reports (and obviously my replies to threads!) and it's a sign of enthusiasm that I hope you (and I) never lose.



What a great idea it will give viewing the moon more of a purpose now I've just ordered a moon map so that should help me too


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hi red i have put most of my pics up good bad and the ugly put them up its a great way to see your progress develop,not one person on sgl would give you a negative comment and am sure there is 100s of peeps feel the same my first pics were done with a sony erics k800i mobile phone afocal they looked crazy but i was more than happy with the result

if you divide you scopes lenght by 600 hundred you should get a rough idea of how many seconds you can shoot forbefore the stars start to trail this is for a fixed mount eq if got motors it will not apply)

ie my scope is f-1500 divide by 600=2.5 secs befor you start to get trails this is my tried and tested method you could push it some more am not sure if you have a goto or tracking this is just for a mount that as no guideing or motors

cheers pat

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It may be a strange thing to say but I am counting down the days until September so the sky will have got suitably dark so I can get outside with my scope at a decent hour. I set the scope up the other night around 11.00pm and there was still that faint glow from the sun in the distance. Then right on cue the cloud decided to roll in again. Seems to be a re-occuring theme on SGL! Looking forward to getting some great views of Jupiter soon. Being a newbie it is still a sense of wonderment every time I get the telescope set up (which hasn't been that often due to the cloud cover and light nights). I am sure it will change and I will then be wrapped up in big coat, hat and gloves. Bring it on!!!!!!

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definitely, there's nothing wrong with just zooming around finding interesting features but more purpose means more enjoyment to me.

there's some excellent maps online free but I love this book. it's cheap too.

Moon, Mars and Venus (Concise Guides in Colour): Amazon.co.uk: Antonin Rukl: Books

Wow can't go wrong at 20p I think ill have some of that:)

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It may be a strange thing to say but I am counting down the days until September so the sky will have got suitably dark so I can get outside with my scope at a decent hour. I set the scope up the other night around 11.00pm and there was still that faint glow from the sun in the distance. Then right on cue the cloud decided to roll in again. Seems to be a re-occuring theme on SGL! Looking forward to getting some great views of Jupiter soon. Being a newbie it is still a sense of wonderment every time I get the telescope set up (which hasn't been that often due to the cloud cover and light nights). I am sure it will change and I will then be wrapped up in big coat, hat and gloves. Bring it on!!!!!!

I know what you mean I've had my scope more than 2 months and have only been out about 4 toimes with it I'm really looking forward to darker nights


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Yeah a thick blanket of cloud for the last few days....

Still need to give my new 24mm Panoptic and Lumicon UHC filter their first light....

Sounds like you had a very good session, I love a bit of luner observation, its very underrated in my opinion :)

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