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I had quite a decent view of Jupiter last night, or this morning i should say at 04:00, situated just under and slightly to the right of the crescent moon. Does anybody know when Jupiter will be back to its best ? its my favourite of the planets. I have read through many of the books I own looking for this answer but have not found out. Saturn, Mars etc all covered but not Jupiter. Any advice on this would be great, thanks all.

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Cheers guys, I will look forward to October, Great video todd8137, Being quite wet behind the ears where planet movement is concerned, I thought "ok so Jupiter takes just under 12 years to orbit the sun, surely it wont be years till its viewable again", silly me. Still learning, Will probably post more silly questions as time goes by, so appologies all round ha...

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no probs some times we all ask about things we not sure about thats why every on sgl points us in the right direction a think we all learn some thing new every day if in doubt ask i have made so many mistakes if a had a penny for every time i did, i would have millions by now

cheers pat

ps keep asking knowledge is power

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I had a history teacher in my first year of high school who, on our first day of class, said:

"Don't ever feel " stupid" about asking questiions. The stupid people are those who never ask for fear of looking foolish. If you have to choose between knowledge and appearances, choose knowledge. Besides, you'll be doing everyone a favour. The answers you get in this classroom willl benefit everyone, even those who are too proud to ask."

Best teacher I ever had.

Thank you Paul Schofield.

As with so many other topics on SGL, because you chose knowlegdge over appearances, I also learnt something.

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