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top 10 objects

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Tough time of year to get 10 wows! ... but I'll start the ball rolling:

1. Saturn

2. The Moon

3. M13

4. Jupiter (if you can stay up late)

5. M57 (if you have a bigger scope)

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At this time of year? You could substitute these objects with others, but something along these lines works well. You should be able to explain what everything is. People like to know size, distance, number of stars, etc.

1. Moon

2. Saturn

3. M13

4. M27

5. M57

6. M17

7. M8

8. M51 (the supernova is damn bright right now)

9. M81 and M82

10. A double star. Maybe Albireo.

If you have darker skies and an OIII filter, people love the Veil and the North America Nebulae.

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