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Lunar eclipse from norway

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Well, even though these pics was a real disapointment to me as my compact camera didn't do what i wanted it to (well, it doesn't have a full manual mode, so i guess it can't be helped. had to use blits to fool camera into correct exposures), i thought i'd might as well share them anyway. i mean, as it would otherwise have been for no reason to have stood outside for an hour being eaten up my mosquitoes... :)

even if they was shoot at ISO 100, they seem quite noisy and low quality to me. But i guess that's just how it will always feel when going from a DSLR to a few year old compact, lol...

taken with a panasonic lumix TZ-4 camera. Unfortunally didn't get too many attempt to choose from when i got home as i (don't laugh now) forgot teh memory card in teh PC and had to use buildt in memory... xD



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Thanks for all the feedback guys. ;)

I guess i shuoldn't puch myself too far into teh dust, as it's easier to make a pig fly then to take good, correctly exposed pics with that camera when it's getting dark.. lol

on the other hand, good news! My 550d just arrived at teh shop after nerly 4 weeks at canon's repair.. new shutter box and mirror flip mechanism. Hopefully i won't have any more problems with the shutter from now on. Can't wait to try it again and get some good midsumemr night pics today as it's still bright outside here in norway at midnight today.:D

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