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Double Star Challenge in Scorpio

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With summer coming on, Scorpio and the brilliant red giant Antares rise higher in the sky each night. Many of us know of the two lovely clusters (M-4 and M-80) in Scorpio, but fewer have plumbed its depths and explored the treasury of double stars there. :)

Splitting doubles is a great challenge, some of these are easy, others are very close and may require a larger scope and higher magnification (and good collimation! :) ) to split them successfully.

The attached worksheet is 3 pages and has instructions and room to sketch what you see and record your results. It also includes a detailed star map that will help you find your way!

Post your results and let us know how you get on!


Double Stars in Scorpio.doc

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Hello Dan thanks for the double star document for Scorpio. I live at latitude 52 degrees in the UK and my horizon is good to -30 Dec and then I have problems seeing objects. I use a 4" Astro Tech f/7 frac and the Nagler zoom to view doubles and cross check suitable doubles with the Cambridge Double Star Atlas.

It was clear (for a change!!) in Hereford last night and I was viewing objects in Scorpio although the haze stopped me viewing NGC6144.

I look forward to using your recommendations on doubles and thanks again for the document.



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Hi Mark,

I realize that many of my friends live in the northern realms of the UK, these labs are regionalized for those at about 35-40 N Latitude, so you may have to either wait a bit later into the summer, or later at night to give this a go.

I deliberately did not include stuff lower (farther south) in Scorpio so as to accomodate you folks 'way up north'! :) All of these doubles are located north of Antares - so if you can see the big red fellow - you should be fine. That said, I realize that viewing is more challenging lower on the horizon.

Maybe I'll try another similar lab with a more northerly constellation later on.


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