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Adventuridge (Aldi) spotting scope vs Celestron Powerseeker 50AZ

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I'm new here and would like to say Hello! to everybody. I've always been interested in astronomy and stargazing and would want to start from something extremely basic. I'm on a tight budget and looking to spend no more than £30. I tried some binoculars in the past but I didn't like them, scope is much more suitable.

At the moment I'm considering Celestron Powerseeker 50 AZ which I can get for £30 or one of the famous Aldi spotting scopes which can be obtained for about £20.

I have read a few reviews of Powerseeker 50AZ and they are not too kind to say the least. Aldi spotting scopes are apparently a steal.

So what do you guys think? Any help much appreciated.

Kindest regards

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Hi and welcome to SGL !

For astronomy purposes I'd avoid either of those scopes and buy a pair of 10x50 binoculars instead. These will help you see some nice sights while you save for a decent starter scope.

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You'll be very lucky to get any worthwhile scope for £30 unless you have a kind uncle who dies and leaves you one:p

If you get decent binoculars, (some good used ones come up on ebay), you'll see much more, as John says.

Good luck with your new hobby:)


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Hi and welcome to the forum.

Binoculars are the way to go and in addition, think about joining an astro society or better still an observing group to maintain your enthusiasm and to help improve your knowledge.

Clear skies


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Hello Seagoat,

I have used a small telescope before (Reflector 76mm) which was borrowed from a friend, unfortunately he decided to sell it so I was back to nil-scope. I'm on a tight budget (Although like many I'm keen to get the best views possible!) for a while, so a scope for me is out of the question. I was adamant I wanted a scope, but after been too strapped for cash, decided to take up on the advice of many on here and brought some binos (and a guide to star gazers, with a plansiphere), and I must say I'm really impressed with what I can see even through two 50mm lenses! Do not be afraid to start off small and learn your way around, so many people get all the gear and then become frustrated when they have so much to learn. One thing I will say is though, with binos, anything around 15+ magnification will probably need a tripod or stand, I can not hold them steady enough without giving myself motion sickness ;)

Well I hope maybe some of this was helpful to you,

Good luck :o

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Hi everyone,

Thank you for all the replies. I do have binoculars, 10 x 25, blue coated, but I never though about using them to look at the night sky. I will have a go tonight. I will try to use Stellarium software and see if I can see :p anything.

I think that I might be able to stretch my budget to somewhere around £150 in a few weeks time, so maybe I could get something more reasonable then. I had a look at FLO's website and Skywatcher Skyhawk 1145P caught my attention.

Thank you

Kindest regards

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