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Eyepiece Storage

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I am wondering if anyone can suggest some sort of storage device for individual eyepieces/barlows? I don't need a flightcase type of thing as I have a pouch on my scope case that will do just fine. Just small individual cases (something like an old plastic 35mm film case). I do have the original card EP boxes for now, but as time goes on I suppose they will start to desintegrate.



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I use a Maplins case - the one with the cubed pluck foam inside. They have them on offer from time to time at around £15 I think (eyepieces not included ;)):


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Don't know about the case but the EP's look great!!

Seriously though, have you actually plucked out the foam "bits" or do you just push them into the foam?

I break suitably sized blocks of foam free from the surrounding foam then push the eyepiece gently in to create an indentation. The Nagler 31mm does not need much pushing ;).

That way, if I change my eyepieces (which I have since that photo was taken) I can pull the blocks back into position and create new indentations.

There are foam "spikes" in the lid of the case which hold the eyepieces firmly in their indentations.

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