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M13 First DSO


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After several nights of frustration trying to find my first DSO I finally found M13:D Brillant! has made all the money and time worth while.

Still think I coud get a better view as it was around 10pm and not the darkest night. However found though a 8mm eyepiece was the best view, could pick out loads of different stars.

are there any simular or bright global clusters which anyone would recommend?

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Not as bright as m13 but another one for the list is m57 (ring nebula), easy to find (i found it ffs) look for the trapezoid shape under vega

And just a little down from M57 is Albireo in Cygnus which I've been waiting for ever since I got my first scope and copy of TLAO in December... worth the wait :D

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Get a copy of Turn Left at Orion - it will walk you through a long list of double stars and deep sky objects for each season. It was designed to be used with a 4" scope but most objects are bino capable also.

Also recommend you get Stellarium - then you can see what's in an area and hunt. Albireo is stunning the first time you see it - the contrast of colors from that double star are great. The Sagittarius Cluster (M22) is stunning this time of year if you're up before sunrise.

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