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Recommend some EPs please

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Now I think I have guiding organised I can spend more time observing with another set up whilst the camera does it's own thing. If I am imaging with the NS8 I can observe with an ED120 and vice versa. I have a budget set of EPs that have been used nd abused. I am wanting to build a quality set of EPs over the next year or so and have made a start by ordering a couple of Baader orthoscopics from Steve. Now need to look at stuff for deep sky. Happy to spend a reasonable bit of dosh over the next year but it isn't a money no object exercise, there must be certain EPs that hit the sweet spot in terms of high quality for a sensible price. Also there may be certain EPs which are considered to be so exceptional that they represent good value at whatever price. Then there are UWA and EWAs to think about.

Would be grateful for advice from those who know about these things. Given the above, what would be your collection consist of.

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If you dont mind spending a hundred and fifty or so on each eyepiece naglers are the way to go (although the pentax are also well regarded). I would go for a 1mm exit pupil, then step up 1.4x to a 5mm exit pupil.

A "good" set would be a 31mm T5 (about £300 s/h you wont regret it). Then step down to a 24 Pan perhaps (£140), then a 13mm T6 (£150), then a 7mm T6 (£150). For the high mag stuff you can't beat a 3-6 zoom (£200)

Total spend: just shy of a grand, but you'll never need another eyepeice.

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It's the same idea as binos, the exit pupil is given by Objective/ magnification. The idea is that anything over, say, 7mm (low power) is wasted because our dark adapted pupil cannot dilate any larger than that (depending on age) and anything under 1mm (high power) is not comforable to use. So rather than worry about what magnifications you will get from a set of eyepieces you'll just buy a set that gives 7mm, 5mm, 3mm and 1mm exit pupils

It works well when you are buying one set of eyepieces for one scope but falls down badly if you use multiple scopes.

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I use focal length of the eyepiece divided by the focal ratio of the scope to give the exit pupil. But it's the same as objective divided by magnification.

If you have similar f/ratio scopes then your eyepiece set will work with multiple scopes. If however the f/ratio's are far apart, an f/15 mak and a f/4 newt for example, the eyepieces wont match both scopes.

That being said a good spread between 32mm and 4mm will match pretty much everything.

I've never used the UWAN's but have heard very good things, they are right up there with Naglers and Pentax, but perhaps not QUITE as good. That being said it's the old 80/20 rule where 20% of the cost gets you 80% of the performance. How much of that last 20% of performance you want depends how deep your pockets are. A set of the same plossls will cost you £100 as the set of Naglers for £1000.

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How much of that last 20% of performance you want depends how deep your pockets are. A set of the same plossls will cost you £100 as the set of Naglers for £1000.

Well my pockets aren't as deep as my common sense! Thanks Gaz and Gordon. All very informative

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Oi Gordon, where the hell are you getting those lovely Naglers for such a decent price. If I could find such a seam of green lovliness I should very quickly have a box full?! For 'space walk' viewing around the 25mm mark would the Panoptic or Nagler be better? I also have the quandry of having nice 1.25" filters, but 2" focussers.... 2" eyepieces are much more impressive looking?! I am looking to work back up from a 5mmT6, maybe an 11mm T6, then what? 18mm and a 26mm or what??

Anyone want to earn a few quid by selling me some Naglers?? (Guess not!)



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Oi Gordon, where the hell are you getting those lovely Naglers for such a decent price. If I could find such a seam of green lovliness I should very quickly have a box full?! For 'space walk' viewing around the 25mm mark would the Panoptic or Nagler be better? I also have the quandry of having nice 1.25" filters, but 2" focussers.... 2" eyepieces are much more impressive looking?! I am looking to work back up from a 5mmT6, maybe an 11mm T6, then what? 18mm and a 26mm or what??

Anyone want to earn a few quid by selling me some Naglers?? (Guess not!)



The prices I was quoting are the going rates for second hand eyepieces. You have to wait for them to come up for sale on astro buy/sell or similar

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