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Fly me to the Moon...


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I'm having a whip-round... Space Adventures Wants to Fly You to the Moon

The Space Adventures company, who have already flown space tourists to the ISS, say that they could be ready to send space tourists around the Moon as soon as 2015! As part of the flight you'd also get to spend 8-10 days on the ISS, then fly around the Moon to an altitude of 100km before returning to earth. If they can pull it off it'd put Branson's sub-orbital flights into perspective.

If you had the money would you go? I most certainly would!!! ...though I probably wouldn't want to be on the first flight, I'd want to be sure they've got the technology right first.

Imagine what it would be like... After the thrill of a rocket-ride into space, you then get to spend 8-10 days in the company of the astronauts onboard the ISS, a chance to stare through the cupola windows and look back at the Earth rolling past below, then gaze across the inky blackness of space, free of Earth's atmosphere. Then the flight to the Moon, and a chance to see the Lunar surface first-hand and close up whilst listening to 'Dark Side Of The Moon'. Watch the Earth rising above the Lunar surface, then watch it getting gradually bigger as you return... :D

I only need around $100-150 million, so if anyone wants to sponsor me, all donations would be gratefully recieved. It's not a lot if you all chip in and you've got 4 years to get the money together, so get saving. In return, I promise to post a full and detailed obsy report, with pictures, on my return, Honest! :p:grin::(

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Hi Tantalus,

Like your cheek :(

I'm not sure you will be able to raise the funds in the time frame required but good luck anyway, after all if you don't ask you don't get :D

Keep us updated on how the funds are mounting up, if you're just a couple of quid short it's possible that I could make up the short fall :p

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Hi Tantalus,

Like your cheek ;)

... if you don't ask you don't get :D

Exactly... :(

Keep us updated on how the funds are mounting up... :p

I've made a start. I've already got... erm, some money in the bank :o

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hmm hmm mm mm hmmm do doo do do do hmmm 'fly me to the moon, let me sing amongst those stars' sponsored karaoke could help raise the funds :D

posted as idea made me smile

often wonder myself when the opportunity inevitably comes would it be worth selling the house, all worldly possessions and wiping out the savings to go for that edge of space ride and then spend rest of living days in a tent :p

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Got it, go to bookies, lay a £200 bet at a million to one that you will fly to the moon and back within the next five years, ring up the space travelly agent place and say you'd like to make sure of your safe return before you pay up, easy!

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Got it, go to bookies, lay a £200 bet at a million to one that you will fly to the moon and back within the next five years, ring up the space travelly agent place and say you'd like to make sure of your safe return before you pay up, easy!

Your one devious dude :D

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Got it, go to bookies, lay a £200 bet at a million to one that you will fly to the moon and back within the next five years, ring up the space travelly agent place and say you'd like to make sure of your safe return before you pay up, easy!

Ha Ha, I like the way you think. :D

All joking aside though, If you could get the money would you go? I'd sell anything and everything just for the chance...

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