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thoughts on DSLR and EQ6 to start astrophotography

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Hi All,

I was curious what people thought of getting an EQ6 to put my DSLR (Nikon d3100) on to start off imaging.

A plan to then get another lense for the camera or an APO photograph more.

Any thoughts from all the experience out there???


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With regards to the EQ6 i just need to find a second hand one. I have been looking for a while but not been able to get one near enough to collect or one that is at a sensible price.

What sort of price would one expect (esp as SW have put all their new equipment prices up recently)? And where is good to look for one?

mmmm now an APO.

I saw the IKHARUS 102mm F7 ED APO Refractor online at a sensible price point. What are the thoughts on this. Otherwise it would have to be a smaller WO one....or any other suggestions?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Certainly getting a NEQ6 mount is the way to go and will certainly future proof your investment in imaging. HEQ5 is also a good choice but is the minimum for deep sky astrophotography and should you change your kit then there will come a time when you will need to upgrade the load capacity of the mount - why not save some money and go straight to that from the outset.

I wondering what you mean by a sensible price? These mounts are excellent value for the money, with pretty good tracking and load capacity. This mount also sits at the top of a list of affordable mounts, with the next level of available mounts being considerably more expensive. It is because of this standing that they have proved very popular at that price point and naturally hold their value. Later this year, a new member to this mount family is to be rolled out which has better accuracy and a larger payload but as yet, know one knows what its price will be but if keenly priced, might release some used NEQ6's on to the market which will help with their availability. It is unfortunate for you that the price of the NEQ6 mount new has risen in recent times (as has the HEQ5). At the prices some are going for used, I would prefer to save that bit extra to buy it new with all the guarantees etc.

Imaging does start with the mount and compared to what some imaging kit can cost these mounts in real terms are still relatively cheap.


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If it is any help, I use an SW Evostar 80ED on a NEQ6 and a Canon 7D for imaging.

To go really wide I use the Canon 7D directly on the mount using a 30mm prime lens. I have a simple dovetail that mounts the camera to the mount. It works well.

As an aside you can also use this setup for accurate panoramas and for very slow panning timelapse films.



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  • 6 years later...

As far as the mount goes, you won't go wrong with that, the EQ6 is an excellent mount, a little on the heavy side for lugging around though,

Not 100% certain, but i think you may struggle to achieve focus with the DSLR on the 130p, i don't think  there is enough inward travel on the focuser, and you may need to move your primary mirror a little further up the tube
in order to achieve this

Pretty sure someone else with a little more knowledge will be able to confirm,




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29 minutes ago, JemC said:

As far as the mount goes, you won't go wrong with that, the EQ6 is an excellent mount, a little on the heavy side for lugging around though,

Not 100% certain, but i think you may struggle to achieve focus with the DSLR on the 130p, i don't think  there is enough inward travel on the focuser, and you may need to move your primary mirror a little further up the tube
in order to achieve this

Pretty sure someone else with a little more knowledge will be able to confirm,




Hi, thanks for your reply!

 I sorted the focus  problem just adding a barlow lens,  I took some moon photos and they seem to be ok. The only thing I might change is the focuser for a double speed one.

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