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Not too bad :)

The skies are clear here ATM so I am hopeful about getting the dob out for a little while tonight despite the impending full moon, I need to get my astro fix as I have been lazy as of late about observing, work, tiredness and getting up at 6:30 and all that!!!

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There is the most amazing clear sky up here right now. I can see Sirius glinting away out the window (tempting me) and it was a murky old pea souper of a day until about 18:00. I think it might turn out to be worth a shot after all :) I'm off to put the gear out to cool down :(

Don't need to rub it in :)

Still enjoy your clear skies.

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It's clear as far as the weather reports are concerned but it's actually a thin vale of mist here.

I put in a good shift throughout last week even in less than good conditions. Full-nighters too.

Not happening tonight unless the mist jogs on.

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Well if it makes you all feel better.. my long serving MacBook Pro (Nov 2007 vintage) died on monday :(

Without that I don't have a laptop to go imaging :/ Good news is that my old contract want me to return for a month - so if I can get a permy job after I'll have the cash to replace it with a nice new i7 quad core, 8GB MacBook Pro ... ooo the shiney shiney :)

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I had to get a new lappy after I let my old vista powered slug fall off a chair and crack it's screen, I was without SGL for two whole nights it was torture!!! :)

Ended up getting a new Acer from Currys, took ages to buy it (2hrs) and get finance all sorted and got it home to discover that it had a mono speaker!!! Still I am mostly happy with it and windows seven is mucho faster than Vista ever was.

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I had to get a new lappy after I let my old vista powered slug fall off a chair and crack it's screen, I was without SGL for two whole nights it was torture!!! :)

Ended up getting a new Acer from Currys, took ages to buy it (2hrs) and get finance all sorted and got it home to discover that it had a mono speaker!!! Still I am mostly happy with it and windows seven is mucho faster than Vista ever was.

Yep, sound familiar, did the same thing back in January and dropped the laptop on my flags while packing up one night, killed it stone dead. Ended up having to get a new one, it was torture without it.

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