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Posts posted by LaurenceT

  1. 22 hours ago, Louis D said:

    You could use it to achieve critical focus visually, I suppose.  You would then remove it to observe and resist the temptation to tweak the focus.

    There is an apodizing mask you can make from window screen material and crafting foam board to supposedly improve planetary views.  I made one back in the late 90s and get it out sometimes to see if it helps.  My impression of it is that it makes very little difference in contrast or sharpness.  However, it makes for a really trippy view with lots of diffraction effects going on everywhere outside of the center.

    "trippy view".....love it🤣

  2. 18 minutes ago, powerlord said:


    @Alien 13 I've often thought there's no reason why a standard mobile phone gimbal couldn't be made to AZ track.  Some do object tracking fine with the right software. With some mobiles having 10x optical telephotos now, with the right software to do AZ star tracking it would certainly be interesting to see what the cameras could do.


    Pentax cameras have sensors that do star tracking with the Astrotracer function, I'm surprised it's not been incorporated into phone camera sensors. Then again, maybe it has and I've missed it.

    PENTAX: The choice for astrophotography / explore | RICOH IMAGING (ricoh-imaging.co.jp)

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  3. 1 hour ago, powerlord said:

    just measure the diameter and have a look on ebay. There's plenty of lens supports on there. Just something a bit bigger, and some slices of rubber, etc and yer good to go. Elsewise, get a 3d printer - I've made my own supports (and EAF mounts) for all my lenses. once you do one, it's easy to modify it to do more.


    Thanks for that. I've had a look on Ebay and decided the best solution would be a tripod lens collar. The diameter of the lens at the best place is about 61mm and the internal diameter of the collar is 65mm so I'm sure I can find an adhesive something or other to stick to the inside of the collar to absorb the excess in size, just not sure what. In fact I've bought 2 because the asi224 camera is the same diameter so I can mount the collars on a dovetail and support both of them. Sorry to waffle on but I'm pleased I may have found a solution.

    Edit: I've just put the Vivitar on my Sony body and I'm quite pleased with the quality of the lens. 1/400th, f5.6, ISO4000.1104269882_Vivitartest.jpeg.f18947a85967d13465a7864aeb326bd1.jpeg

    • Like 1
  4. 25 minutes ago, imakebeer said:

    Oh OK, thanks, I missed that.

    You may not have seen but I posted some pictures here of my planetary imaging so far with my basic setup.

    I've tried lunar shots last winter with the scope or just my DSLR, but the moon has been AWOL in the last few weeks when I've been out there doing planetary. Now it's back again it hasn't stopped raining!

    Haven't tried any deep sky yet but that's a different kettle of fish to planetary, very long exposures vs. lucky imaging etc.

    You're quite right, I hadn't seen those images. I think they're excellent, you're further down the road than I imagined.

    • Like 1
  5. I used to have lots of fun with elderly Canon FD lenses adapted to my Sony FF body. I bought them all from Ebay over the years but sold most of them when I realised how much people value them these days. I did keep this one for some reason and it gets good reviews and when stopped down to F4-5.6 is said to be very sharp. I'd like to have a go with this and my ASI224mc planetary camera probably for some EAA to start with but I'm hitting a brick wall with regards to mounting the setup onto a dovetail bar. I've managed to secure an FD to T2 adapter.


  6. 14 hours ago, imakebeer said:

    @allworlds @Stu @LaurenceT - thanks for your comments, and I will take a look through those threads 👍

    What I'm getting is it's a bit of "your mileage may vary", "you get what you pay for" and "keep your expectations vs. budget" in check. At the same time I'm sure there are people out there who would tell me I can't possibly do planetary imaging with the gear I have, to which I would respectfully disagree. Perhaps it's more a case of spending twice as much won't generate images twice as good? Or to put it another way, if you images twice as good you need to spend 10x (I'm guessing) more.

    Just looking out the window at the clear blue skies as the sun goes down and hoping 🙏. And then checking the weather forecast and seeing we're in for another deluge! Why sky gods, why! 😫😂

    Is your setup this one?

    Sky-Watcher CAPRICORN-70 (EQ1) 70mm (2.75") f/900 REFRACTOR TELESCOPE - Optical Vision Ltd

  7. 53 minutes ago, imakebeer said:

    @LaurenceT I had a feeling you might say something like that.

    What's really confusing for a noob like me is on the one hand that's not the first time I've read experienced folks saying that even the EQ5 with or without GoTo isn't up to much (and it ain't exactly cheap!). Yet on the other hand FLO will happily sell you a bundle of the Explorer 200P + EQ5, or the Explorer 150P/PL/PDS + EQ3 or 5.

    I don't doubt what you and other seasoned astronomers say - you're speaking from personal experience afterall. But likewise I don't get the impression that FLO are a bunch of cowboys who will sell you complete garbage (and their forum is lovely by the way 😁).

    It's honestly starting to seem like I can have a small refractor for £200 or pay 10-15x that for a full setup and there is literally no middle ground at all ☹️

    I refuse to be defeated though! 😜

    The kits you refer to sold by retailers are within spec for visual astronomy, it's when the extra kit required for astrophotography is added then the mounts can be overloaded so it can be said that retailers are being somewhat disingenuous in their marketing of scopes/mount combinations for example in the Skywatcher PDS range. I spent many years as a hobbyist wildlife photographer, many times I was asked what kit I used to produce a certain image and there much anguish from beginners when I told them the cost of lens/body exceeded £5000, if you want to play the game at a higher level then you need to stump up the cash. I sold virtually all my photo gear to get into astrophotography 2 years ago and I'm still at a quite basic level for gear, I won't be going any higher!

    My combination of EQ5 and 130PDS satisfies me both for visual and astrophotography although I haven't done much of the latter with the 130PDS yet.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, imakebeer said:

    Thanks for the offer 👍 I have an EQ1 at the moment so I understand how to use an EQ mount and what it's doing, but I imagine the EQ3 & 5 are rather more weighty and so less portable. But by home much?

    I was looking at your list of gear in your signature block - do you by any chance mount the Explorer 130PDS on your EQ5?

    Specifically my current top of the list is an Explorer 150PDS on an EQ3/5 GoTo, but I'd like to see one in action just to be sure before I fork out. The scope performance will be dictated by location and seeing at the time, but I'm more interested to see in exactly which postcode the eyepiece will end up depending on the orientation of the scope! 😂

    Also on my list (and still looking at your signature block 😉) was the Skymax 127 Maksutov (thermal issues? Newtonian delivers more bang for buck?) and Startravel 120T (refractors = chromatic aberration?)

    My EQ5 copes very well with the 130PDS. With the 150PDS plus all the ancillary bits of kit you will be probably over the load limit of the EQ5 of 6.5Kg. My camera, Asiair and guide scope add up to 5.3Kg.

    A quote from that thread:

    "My first set up was the EQ5 and SW 150pds and I quickly realised that it was too heavy when the camera and guiding was all attached"

    • Like 1
  9. Welcome to this forum. You say that you want to have a look at an EQ mount, I have an EQ5 mount, certainly not the strongest around but then neither am I!

    I'm fairly close to you in Camberley so if you want to have a look at mine I'd be happy to oblige.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, TheThing said:

    I'm going to hang the Motor off a L shaped dovetail them use a belt drive and toothed cogs to actually turn the focusing know.  I've seen a YouTube on it, I think from Cloudy Nights, which seems to work quite well.  I struggle to find focus for solar system imaging, even with a clothes peg on the focusing knob. I'm hoping that the motor focuser with an old HiTechAstro controller will do the trick like it used to on my old newt.


    I would be interested to see the video you suggest though.  Might be easier then trying to find a L shaped bracket long enough but not too heavy!

    I tried a couple of times with an L bracket and had big problems, I then found this fellow on YT who makes a 3D printed adapter kit that suits Mak127's with a fixed dovetail, just make sure that the orientation of the dovetail on your tube corresponds with the one in this video. If it doesn't then he also makes a kit that is suitable for the other orientation.


    • Thanks 1
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