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Posts posted by LaurenceT

  1. I've decided to use my 130PDS Newtonian and perhaps my Orion 80ED for astrophotography so I'm going to need something beefier than my Az GTi. I've settled on a Skywatcher EQ5 Pro GoTo as the ideal mount for me and I've seen a used one for sale. Are there any stand-out things I should look for or particular questions I should ask when I view this mount?

  2. 22 minutes ago, knobby said:

    Hi Laurence, I don't use mine in AZ mode but in the absence of any answers I'd suggest trying the scope on the other side maybe ... don't need to wait till dark, just use the moon or something easy as a traget.

    Best of luck 🙂


    Thanks for that. I realised yesterday that Skywatcher had released a version that was for AZ only so I flashed that firmware instead. The original reason for me doing this was that Skywatcher said this new firmware would improve compatibility with third party apps so hopefully this will be the case with Skysafari which has been a bit temperamental recently.

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  3. 12 hours ago, SiriusB said:

    You used to be able to get a dual speed upgrade kit for this focuser. One brand was 'lacerta' i think.

    Do you really need dual speed ?


    I have the original skywatcher branded ED80  with  single speed focuser~ for purely visual use, single speed's fine on this scope ( an f5 scope is another matter as would  any photographic use.)

    I tried dual speed, went back to stock.

    Check out  classic Telvue refractors, pretty sure they were single speed.... If it's good enough for Telvue & Steven James O'meara........??

    Just trying to save your pennies Laurence.

    I think it's more to do with my eyesight although I can't pinpoint it physiologically, ophthalmology isn't my field🙂.

    I have a dual speed focuser on my 130PDS and I find using the slower speed far less frustrating in achieving what I perceive to be a sharp clear image. With my single speed focusers I'm constantly going backwards and forwards which is definitely frustrating. On my Mak127 I have fitted a Skywatcher electronic focuser which has been a great success but an electronic focuser on my travel scope, a Startravel 102, has not been successful.

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  4. I'm sure this has been covered here already but I can't find it so here goes.

    I'm still keen to use Skysafari for observing with this mount, last night I fired up the app and it connected fine to my  Az GTi in AZ mode (still with the pre EQ/AZ firmware). All I then did was to select Arcturus in Skysafari, the mount slewed and it tracked OK. So, knowing that new firmware has been released I updated the Az GTi firmware from the original AZ only mode to the dual mode. I reset everything, opened up Skysafari, connected the scope which took me to the choice between EQ and AZ mode and selected AZ. Skysafari then re=opened and I once again selected Arcturus whereupon the mount slewed to a point below the horizon.

    Now I'm pretty sure this is something to do with left side/right side scope connection to the mount, but it was late and I was tired so I called it a night. I've spent a part of today looking for other peoples observations but everything seems to be about using the mount in EQ mode for astrophotography and not observing in AZ mode with the new dual mode firmware, I'd be grateful for any views on this.

  5. 30 minutes ago, herne said:

    Further to my 10min sub experiment of the Sadr region (here a few pages back) I was out again photographing Sadr the other night, but this time using 2 min subs (about 3 hours worth).  See below - it's a quick and dirty stretch in Photoshop, nothing more.

    This is without calibration frames or any sort of noise reduction in post processing, unless Deep Sky Stacker did something during stacking.  I like both images and am really impressed at how clean they look given the lack of calibration frames, although I prefer this one with the 2 min subs as I think the stars seem less bloated.  It's been an interesting experiment and am super happy with how the new camera (ASI 533MC Pro) and AZ GTi have performed.

    I will spend some time properly processing the image at some point.

    quick process.jpg

    Excellent image, what scope are you using?

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  6. 15 minutes ago, Priesters said:

    Added some bits and bobs to my AZGTi/EvoGuide set up and can now more easily frame and swap filters - all seems pretty sturdy which surprised me tbh.  Whole set up currently working well with EQMOD, SharpCap, CDC and PHD2 so haven’t had to dig in to the Astro wallet for an ASI Air (yet).  Loving being able to leave it set up and left in a corner so I can just grab and go (albeit then spend half an hour polar aligning/focussing etc 🙄).  Overall really happy I took the plunge on the AZGTi.  EQ6 doesn’t know what it’s done wrong. 😂


    Do you  not have a field flattener in the train?

  7. 14 minutes ago, Zermelo said:

    Do you specifically want a new one?

    Second hand focusers seem to crop up fairly regularly in the For Sale section, as people upgrade parts.

    A good used on would be fine, I advertised in the wanted section a short while ago.

    3 minutes ago, PeterC65 said:

    I have also been looking at focusers for a Newtonian and I think the AE dual speed focuser and the SW dual speed low profile focuser are identical. I have the SW dual speed (not low profile) focuser on my Explorer 150PDS which is fine, but not fantastic. It can be taken to pieces for adjustment if required and I've found that improved the level of grip.


    I've just been advised by FLO that the two focusers are identical.

  8. I'm looking to upgrade the single speed focuser on my ancient but superb Orion 80ED that I was very fortunate to acquire recently. I'm gradually "renovating" this scope and the last thing now to do is upgrade the focuser, the existing one is fine but I would prefer a dual speed one. FLO have two available which look suitable, the Skywatcher dual speed Crayford and an Astro Essentials offering.

    The AE one is cheaper so I'm considering that one and I'm wondering if there are any experiences or views regarding the quality of one versus the other.

  9. I am using a Skywatcher Startravel 102t as my travel scope for observing only. I didn't like the way it focused so I installed a Skywatcher electronic focuser I had lying around but that has not been a success, there is some gremlin in the OTA focus tube that the motor in the auto focuser is not powerful enough to overcome.

    Consequently I'm looking for an alternative, there is the Skywatcher offering at about £185 and an AstroEssentials version, slightly cheaper. I have just seen an alternative version by Lacerta on the 365Astronomy site that simply a replacement for spindle thingy with a 1:10 gearing which is about £80. I know that physically there is a big difference between them , the Lacerta not replacing the tube but as my main goal is to achieve finer focus control I'm wondering if the cheaper focus controller will achieve what I want.

    I'm wondering if anybody has any experience with the Lacerta?


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  10. 4 hours ago, AstroNebulee said:

    Hi Steve 

    Your new WO guidescope sounds brilliant and will definitely see good results with that fine offering. Hopefully they do find that your horizon 60ed has a collimation issue but like you say best to check out other options available to you anyway. The skywatcher evolux 62ed and dedicated flat reducer could be an option around the same price as the horizon 62ed. I'm hearing good things with these scopes. Or for a tad more the the WO zenithstar 61 and dedicated FF. 

    I agree sometimes to leave well alone when updating firmware. If it ain't broke don't try to fix it rings well. 

    Let me know how you get on with your testing over the weekend 👍



    I'm assuming by "better integration " they mean apps like SkySafari, I would be prepared to have a go upgrading the firmware with the az gti I have in altaz mode as I've found it to be somewhat patchy in performance with SkySafari, thanks for heads up Lee.

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  11. When I started this astronomy lark all of 18 months ago the people I initially followed mostly were Peter Zelinka and Trevor Jones and then later when I could finally start to understand this new language Cuiv has been a great influence.

    It's a pity that Cuiv is taking a break, possibly something to do with his injury maybe.

    For starting in astrophotography with my low cost and lightweight gear Andrea Minoea (sp) has been a tour de force.

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  12. Here in Burgundy where we are "camping" in our motorhome we saw 2 stars last night  the first for 5 nights, my wife said that I could finally get the scope out later. An hour later we had 5 hours of intense rain accompanied by incredible thunder and lightning. 

    I blame my wife.....

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    • Haha 5
  13. 15 minutes ago, gilesco said:

    If you want to guide, then you will need a mini-PC. The ZWO120MM-mini is really just a cheap camera, it doesn't actually have any built-in star tracking functionality.

    Also, if you choose to go down the Raspberry Pi route as a mini-PC, be sure to check about the compatibility of the ZWO120MM-mini as this particular camera has lots of problems with Linux which the Raspberry Pi runs on.

    As for power, this camera can be powered over USB (from the mini-PC).

    When I used the Raspberry Pi both in Stellarmate and Astroberry versions the ZWO 120mm mini behaved well unlike the Sony camera, everyone has different experiences though.

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  14. The Astro Essentials guide scope has the same specs as the ZWO offering and is cheaper

    Astro Essentials 30mm f/4 Mini Guide Scope | First Light Optics

    and paired with the excellent ZWO asi120mm mentioned by @AstroNebulee comes in at £204, it's the combination I use. I seem to remember that the ZWO guide scope was not available at the time of my purchasing. There is a Youtube video on this combination by AstroFarsography.



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  15. 5 minutes ago, AstroNebulee said:

    As said previously no polar alignment needed but like the AzGti in az mode do you need to level the tripod, point the scope North and level it. Then perform your star alignment? 



    We probably have already discussed this before but when I look at Youtube videos about the Az GTi and other similar mounts they always talk about "pointing north" but never differentiate between geographical north and magnetic north. There is a considerable divergence between the two and I'm not sure if it makes any difference in the end.

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  16. Just to address two points you have raised I will speak in favour of my Startravel 102T. Firstly from a budget point of view it retails for £200 which fitted the budget set by my Domestic Financial Controller perfectly😄. Secondly you mentioned travel, the dew shield of the 102T is detachable and so the scope fits perfectly into my airline cabin shoulder bag with room for eyepieces, red dot sight etc.

    I bought the 102T to replace a used ST80 which I acquired for £60 and was a great starter scope but had significant amounts of CA and I also wanted something a bit longer that would sit happily with my Controller as mentioned earlier. I did a lot of reading about the 102T and found reviews that said the CA was copy variant, some people said it had more than they liked while many said that their copies had minimal or acceptable CA. I took a chance and bought the 102T from FLO and I'm pleased that the CA in my copy is perfectly acceptable to me and is minimal. One thing to point out is that the "T" refers to "terrestrial" and the scope comes with a 45 degree erect image diagonal.

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