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Everything posted by oscar_camilleri

  1. You can also go after some clusters , like the double cluster in perseus and M34
  2. The main thing of interest on that photo is that it appears to be a location dedicated for observing, at least that's what I am assuming those circles in the ground are for!
  3. So I was Browsing the net for some photos of a Celestron C6N , when i came across this dodgy site. https://www.paybanks.ga/ProductDetail.aspx?iid=47314122&pr=56.99 Love some of the obviously auto generated FAKE reviews This is so cozy and comfortable! Almost perfect! Got these for my friend as a gift. I thought it was a great deal since they look very well made and have held up well. Exceeded my expectations in quality and fit! Love love love these Super soft & comfy! Buy this, you need it! 🤣🤣🤣
  4. Lol , didn't know this existed. will look to invest in one of these, but i do have one of these as a backup.
  5. Hi all Little about myself, before I retired around 7 years ago, I used to work as a professional magician/illusionist. Was recently sorting out some of my old books and equipment, when i stumbled across this book. Its a book about various tricks with clouds ( like making them vanish or appear and change shape, etc). Now if only the magic was real and i could really make clouds disappear at will🤣
  6. 8" Dobsonian all the way, cant go wrong. Then if you like what you see, you can always go for a larger aperture. Myself im saving for a 12 inch.
  7. Yes I am. Yeah I've just seen the astro camp details on their website. Will have to give it a miss this year as I've used up all my hols. But will definitely sign up for next year's event.
  8. Thanks, just been. Got my missus and 5yo with me, so packed up by 11pm. But still got to see plenty and they had a great time as well.
  9. Thats what all the signs are saying. Quite close to brecon. So opted to go to the lake.
  10. Hi all. I am currently in cwymdu, was wondering how safe it is in the brecon beacons area to go alone at night?
  11. Hi All With recent weather , we were having I got bored and decided to undertake the mammoth task of updating the Ra/Dec in my copies of Burnham's celestial handbooks (I know, must be crazy). Anyways whilst l was looking for a consolidated list of double and multiple stars I stumbled across this website https://www.stelledoppie.it/ , not sure if any of you were aware of it, but it has quite extensive and detailed database , so I thought I would share 🙂
  12. I need your help with deciding what i should purchase next. My fate in is your hands. I live in a Bortle 8 location and might get 2 or 3 opportunities a year to go to a dark site.
  13. same here , going camping with the young one , so was looking forward to slightly darker skies ( bortle6) than my usual bortle 8. But alas , the weather might not be so kind. Forecast is showing as partially cloudy, so fingers crossed, my be able to catch glimpses here and there.
  14. Thanks, I am in the process of doing that already a member of the Haringey club ( always nice to be a member of a club which had Arthur C Clarke as one of it patrons). I have now found a more local clu so will be contacting them as well.
  15. Hi Krol What eyepiece are you using when observing ?
  16. Hi All I have a Celestron Nexstar 8se and live in a Bortle 8 area which I know is pretty dismal for trying to view faint fuzzies from, although I was amazed that I could spot the ring nebula ( Mag 8.8) although barely from my location, but couldn't at all see the Dumbell which is supposed to be brighter. Therefore I am planning to invest in some narrow band filters. I was looking at the Optolong L-extreme as an option, however I am into visual observing only, so not sure if this would be the right choice for me. I would be most grateful if you could point me in the right direction.
  17. Not sure if this is the right forum to post this. Looking for a like minded individual to observe together. I live in Pinner HA5 which unfortunately is a bortle 8 area. I heard that the Ruislip Lido which is a few miles away, does offer some respite from the terrible light pollution in our area, however i also heard that it can sometimes be frequented by undesirables after dark. So if there is anyone from Pinner , Harrow , Wembley , Watford, Rickmansworth, Ruislip or other nearby towns who is willing to go observing together , please send me a PM. Alternatively if you have ever observed from Ruislip Lido and know from experience that its relatively safe to go alone, i would love to hear from you
  18. You are lucky to be in a bortle 5 area, where I live currently its bortle 8 ( think of the 20th century fox animation with those search lights lighting up the sky, that's how my sky is looking at the moment 😭 ). Luckily I'm planning a camping trip to Brecon Beacon in August where I plan to gorge myself to exhaustion.
  19. If the alignment is failing also check that the date is in the correct format. I have a celestron 8se and the date is in the American format on my mount as in mm/dd/yyyy.
  20. I have a Celestron 8SE and have both a Telrad and a right angle finder on it. I must say that the Telrad is worth its weight in gold. once you align it with the scope it pretty much stays in alignment for all eternity , even when taken off and put on again and I absolutely love it for aligning the scope or locate object in the night sky. Even when star hopping , usually i use the Telrad to locate the fist star and then carry on the rest of the way with the finder scope.
  21. Good Thing is that currently she is learning about space and the planets at school, so daddy's knowledge has come very handy. She really wants to see Jupiter and Saturn, but weather has been absolutely rubbish this month. Still waiting for a weekend with clear morning skies ( then its go to bed by 5pm for her and and then get mum to bring her down at 4am)
  22. Easy when you have what one might class as a hyperactive 5yo who is constantly after you attention all day long. trust me , you will learn how to sleep with our eyes open and nod you head at her questions at the same time 🤣
  23. At the moment its early for me. Usually if weather appears to be nice, I set the alarm for 3am. Go have a quick look through the window and if I can see Jupiter and clear skies , ill go and setup in the front garden and usually am ready by 3.30am, stay till around 4.30 which currently is when dawn starts coming into force. All packed and back in bed by 5. Sleep till 7 and then up and ready for the usual daily routine.
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