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    Travel, art, astronomy, photography, music, the theatre, chess and mathematics.
  • Location
    East Anglia UK

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  1. Whoo hoo! we had stars in Lowestoft last night. ?  Not sure what was to blame for the dodgy images, was it the bad weather/Christmas lay-off affecting my kit or was the old astronomer using it  to blame? 

    Got out the 66mm Altair refractor on the Star Adventurer and my trusty bins , didn't get to bed until 3:30am.  Anyway I have a few more blurry images of 46P/ Wirtanen and I think I managed to capture a smudge that might be 38P/Stephan-Oterma. Could see 46P through my 11x80 bins handheld but very diffuse and cloud like would have missed it 'sweeping' but knew where to look. 38P not visible through my bins even though I knew where it should be, however the mince-pies aren't what they used to be.

    Real nice treat - saw a very bright and orange coloured meteor - slow moving in the east comiing from the direction of Orion.  No it wasn't a flare or firework!

    Nice clear night and dark after the Moon set, M81 and M82 very easy handheld through my big bins.

    George tired but quite content in Lowestoft.

    1. orion25


      Great news! :D 

    2. Hawksmoor


      Hi Reggie 

      Nice to hear from you. Sad to say the clouds are back overhead in Lowestoft and my blurry pictures from the other night are blurrier than I would have wished, but one night under the stars in winter on the east coast of Britain has to be cherished as such nights are rarer than hens teeth!

      Hope you are well and managing to get out observing and imaging.

      All the best George

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