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Everything posted by Fedele

  1. My "visual and planetary imaging setup" which occasionally involves two tubes (Baby-Mu and FC100DL, two refractors, FC100DL + solar scope, etc). The SXD2 balances everything well, but even if various accessories are still missing, its particular design seems to meet the need with only two small weights. Probably i will need some additional weight in the OTA, but for tthse purposes it work well. At the moment there is a Hal130 which is the "domestic tripod for winter months", but the setup is normally completed with the Barleback UNI 18 wooden tripod, making it even more solid. Waiting for the Rowan AZ100, more functional to my visual and planetary imaging needs, as the spark of long exposure astrophotography has never taken place in me (except for the fun of simple live staking) In the photo, the FC100DL is devoid of its characteristic black focuser (produced only in 200 pieces worldwide) as i am installing the Takahashi MEF3 on it
  2. Hi Can you recommend an excellent Achromat 80/400? Metal OTA and Fok thanks
  3. 22.11.2021, Matera (Ita) Takahashi Mewlon 180c, ASI224 @f12 and f24 with Barlow 2x AsiStudio, AstroSurface
  4. 22.11.2021, Matera (Ita) Takahashi Mewlon 180c,. ASI 178 @ f12 AsiStudio, AstroSurface
  5. title: "But this" blue spot "like that?" Matera (ITA), 5:55 pm Takahashi Mewlon 180c, ASI224, PowerMate 2.5 x The first time I notice this formation with this detail, color and shape, color, variations. I don't want the experts, since I'm not. Also visible to the eye (takahashi Abbe Ortho 18 mm direct eyepiece without prism), in the video attached in the comments or on my page. Looking forward to some better processing if I can. A processing on the fly with errors to ask you ... but the blue spot like this? 🙂 Shooting with a Jupiter in a hole in the clouds, with Mewlon 180c and ASI224 with Powermate 2.5 x.
  6. i m totally not expert i m sperimenting all alone without any tutorial. i like AstroSurface
  7. 20.11.2021. Matera (Ita). Takahashi Mewlon 180c, ASI224, Barloe Tv 2X Vixen SXD2 AsiStudio, AstroSurface
  8. Super!! We do not need mirrors!! 🙂
  9. After on months of clouds!! 20.11.2021. Matera (Ita) Takahashi Mewlon 180c, ASI224, Tv 2X Vixen SXD2 AsiStudio, AstroSurface Venus: 20.11.2021. Matera (Ita) Takahashi Mewlon 180c, ASI224, Tv 2X Vixen SXD2 AsiStudio, PIPP, AutoStakkert, Registax I'm not good with Venus yet 2021-11-20-1720_0-CapObj__150r_24T_876reg.tif
  10. Ok. GOOO already having a FC100DL, undecided for a TSA120 .... I have ordered the APM 140 SD. we'll see if he deserves this trust. Updates in the coming days
  11. i think is a Erfle 12mm 72° looking at old sales announcements
  12. Hi. I need to find another of these eyepieces that i received with an used Intes Micro M500. on the plastic container is reported 12, but on the eyepiece I have no indications. 1) can you tell me the exact model and scheme? 2) where can I find another identical one?
  13. 28.10.2021, Matera (ita), ore 10:30 Takahashi FC100DL, Televue PowerMate 2,5 x, ASI224MC, differences TS UV/IR and Astronomik IR Pass 742 AsiStudio. AstroSurface reee.tif uv.tif IR PASS.tif
  14. immages are not the TIFF original, but jpeg saved from my FB page
  15. F/9 ?? wau so is perfect. i know another value for best FL
  16. "Luna alla Fluorite di Calcio" 27.10.2021 ore 07:50, Matera (Ita) Takahashi FC100DL, ASI 178 MM @ f/9 ( under sampling) AsiStudio, AstroSurface VixenSXD2
  17. Takahashi FC100DL, ASI 178 MM @ f/9 ( undersampling) AsiCap (Android)
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