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Everything posted by Kon

  1. I love the colours and additional features they bring out. Somehow it makes it look as a different object at first sight.
  2. How about something like that discussed in this thread? It seems fairly easy to use, point and look. A complete beginner would have no idea were to start with a Dob or any other setup unless you show them, but you mentioned a remote cottage. Similarly, unless they are familiar with the night sky, finding any DSOs would be hard to impossible for them. They probably want to look at the moon or planets quickly before giving up. The chances with a more expensive setup going wrong is fairly high as well. I like your idea and I do not want to sound to negative.
  3. No no no no, do not start!!!🤣 I do not need one, I do not need one....of course I need want one!💸 One of the reasons I upgraded my EPs to ES 82 degrees (and I enjoy the wide views) and the nudging is not too bad now.
  4. @Alan WhiteI would love to spend more time with Venus if the clouds ever allow. It has been clouded pretty much since this report. Jupiter/Saturn have had this effect on me trying to see moons or bands move at different times. I am also drawn to Uranus for some 'bizarre' reason that I also posted on another report; I just love trying to entice any details (I know it is probably unlikely with my 8" Dob but I like the diffuse blue disk among the sharper stars).
  5. My wife always says' it looks like somebody has put it (Saturn) there, it does not look real'. My sons highlight is Orion's nebula.
  6. @Marvin Jenkins and @callisto being relative new to the hobby it is always a hair raising moment for us (for me, it is even when I revisit targets) . My wife was amazed that the shinny 'star' was indeed Venus, although she took a liking to the rainbow effect. My 4 and 6 year olds know which 'stars' are Jupiter and Saturn now. I have now seen 7/8, except Mercury.
  7. Great report and it sounds like a great session.
  8. Nice report. I agree seeing was very good last night with a lot of details on Jupiter. You seem to have very nice observing spot up on the hill. I may have spotted the same one, a very bright one around 11pm in Cygnus that lasted for a couple of secs.
  9. I had another go in taking some shots of the Milky Way around Cygnus from my back garden. Stack of 35 frames, iso 3200, 18mm f3.5, 20s. I tried some more editing in Gimp from some online videos and i think it is better than previous attempts.
  10. Clouds have finally moved on and I am finally managing some excellent seeing as other have reported; Ganymede is showing a nice dark grey disk towards 9oclock on my Dob; I should be able to see it reappearing soon.
  11. That's my current seeing conditions....☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️....☹️
  12. A few shots of tonights moon (11/10/21) using my Pixel 4a. Hand held over a ES 82 degree 6.5mm EP. Basic editing in the photo app.
  13. I was out observing Venus earlier and I could not resist a couple of shots of the moon.Prime focus from my Dob.
  14. I had my first ever peak at Venus earlier this evening and it was amazing. I could make its phase and it looked like a 'mini-moon'. Seeing was not the best since it is low on my S-SW horizon and with thin clouds it was like a disco ball or as my wife described it a rainbow. Despite that, I loved getting a first look at it. Managed a quick look at the moon nearby as well.
  15. Thanks for the historic background. Well, George looked great last night 🤣
  16. I had a very chilled observing session last night, just some planets and globulars. I was not planning to be out since the weather looked dodgy, clouds coming in and out, but seeing @Johnheads up on Europa transiting Jupiter, I thought why not. I missed the first part of the transition but once I was out, Jupiter showed some really nice details although it did very through the night from sharp to 'boiling'. The GRS was nicely positioned in the centre and it was probably the best I had seen so far. The NEB showed distinct banding and some barges as well (2 obvious ones and a third coming/going with the seeing). At 2340 or so, the Europa shadow came across. I followed it for the first few minutes and then I waited until 1230 to see Europa re-appearing from the face of Jupiter. Jupiter was 'boiling' at this stage but a tiny protrusion appeared at 9oclock (Dob seeing) and then a full disk a few minutes later. That was my first time observing almost the whole transit and seeing the planets in motion is mesmerising. Saturn looked okish last night. I could not see the Cassini division but only one equatorial band. While I waited for Europa to reappear, I noticed a smudge of light on my W; it was M13. Moving the Dob there, it took magnification very well compared to Jupiter. I could see individual stars and could resolve a few towards the core. A few more smudges on my NE and there it was Persei, almost feeling my FOV. I upped the magnification and nice coloured stars appeared. M34, C28 and NGC1245 looked amazing as well with all the stars feeling the FOV. I finally moved to Uranus; it does not seem to be reported often but somehow I like this diffuse bluish disk among the sharp stars around it, almost like a planetary nebula. It was nice being out without a list of targets and just observe as things were getting my attention from looking up or from memory.
  17. Europa just came through the face of a 'boiling' Jupiter, quite an amazing event in my eyes. Initially as a small protrusion at 9 o'clock (Dob view) and then a few minutes later a nice disk. Conditions deteriorated towards the end. I also saw some grey looking 'smudges' with some finer features but nothing to call oval-like. Thanks again for the heads up, it was a nice event.
  18. Just saw the shadow coming through, very nice. Waiting for another 45 min for Europa to come through.
  19. In anticipation as well. I have not seen the ovals before so I will give them a try if conditions stay stable.
  20. The breeze has cleared the clouds and seeing has vastly improved with nice details all along now. I can spot 2 clear barges and possibly a third one. Quite a lot of distinct banding as well.
  21. Jupiter is 'boiling' at the moment. It is 'funny' because my W seeing is very steady; a smudge of light got my eye and it was M13; it could easily take magnification and individual stars resolved almost to the core.
  22. Although it is still cooling down, Jupiter is showing excellent seeing with a lot of details. I spotted the barge in the NEB. I think it is my best Jupiter seeing so far.
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