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Everything posted by HollyHound

  1. Same here, I have a wonderful collection of boxes for shipping out anything I sell... some of them do indeed contain clouds too unfortunately 😬🤣
  2. The purchases I made from you Alan, have turned up too (many thanks) and I had the same from the postman (he spotted the "May Contain Clouds" sticker on the re-used FLO box 🤣 Firstly, a TeleVue DioOptrx... now mounted on my Pentax XW30, where it will likely get most (if not all) of its usage... see if it helps these ageing eyes, before resorting to glasses 🤞 Edit: Amazingly, the DiOptrx also fits perfectly inside the XW eyecup and so is completely integrated 😮👍
  3. It is reassuringly solid indeed, as much so as the 2" unit. Just tried it indoors with the XWs in the StellaMira on the ScopeTech Zero and works very well. There is a noticeable increase in rear weight when combining with either XW10 or XW7, but this is easily counteracted either by shifting the scope forward half an inch or by adding a small counterweight to the front of the scope. I may invest in a sliding counterweight or (even easier) something to attach the small one I already have... either to the tube ring bolt holes or maybe even just velcro (the OTA is CNC aluminium unlike the dob which is of course steel) 🤔 The XW30 and 2" TeleExtender are way too much, but then that combination is for the dob only. I can still use the XW30 alone on the StellaMira without any issues. Either way, when balanced, the normal smooth movement and slow motion controls of the Zero mount are maintained, even though I'm right on the limit (7kg) with all this kit... I adore this little mount 😃
  4. Having been so impressed with its big brother (the ES 2x 2inch Focal Extender), I decided to get the 1.25" only variant. This is significantly lighter, so will be perfect for scopes mounted on the ScopeTech Zero mount whilst the 2inch will remain for the dob 👍
  5. The seat on mine is perfectly horizontal and I'm sure it would be the same on the Hydra at least... Berlebach have superb engineering 😃
  6. You do need to get off the seat, stand and turn round to make any adjustment. I would say the levers are relatively easy to operate and slide the seat up/down, but I'm not sure how difficult you would find that. You do also need to move the lever on both sides at the same time to operate. Perhaps the Charon would indeed be easier in your case 🤔 Good luck 🤞
  7. Just spotted this thread and thought I'd jump in... I've recently bought the Berlebach Nix II observing chair and I have to say it's one of the singular most useful and practical things I've bought for astronomy. Having the ability to quickly change observing height has meant that I can be much more comfortable at the eyepiece. Previously I was using a (fixed height) guitar stool, which worked well enough, but meant that often times I would be crouched over or stretched up to maintain a comfortable view. Sometimes if the object was very low, I would often just stand and use the chair to lean on just to keep my eye steady. Now, I just turn around, push the two little levers (as shown in the excellent video above) and move the seat up or down to where is best to observe. The levers are easily moveable, the seat slides easily and then just release them to lock in place (sometimes will click as you push the seat or sit on it, but it's solid and safe). Now that I have the 10" dob, I'm able to keep my back straight most of the time and this contributes to comfort and thus a more relaxed view. I'm likely helping my back long term too... a consideration now I'm into my 50s 😬 I haven't got the foot rest for it, as I've only occasionally taken it high enough where it might be useful and I'm tall enough anyway. The only issue I have found with the Nix and maybe the same for the others... if I get off the chair and move around to my eyepiece case, I need to be careful not to trip over the rear of the chair, as it does spread out rearwards, which of course normal chairs don't. I've now moved my eyepiece case closer and arguably I could trip over anything in the dark (being naturally clumsy 🤣) The Charon looks equally as good and of course with Berlebach, they are very well made and pass the "partner test"... i.e. they don't have to be hidden away after use 🤣 Any of these are well recommended... Cheers Gary
  8. The eBook version (PDF and/or EPUB) is now on 50% off sale, direct from the publisher until 1st December 2020...
  9. Hopefully it's ok to post this here (as it links to an external commercial site)... Like many, I bought the Luna Cognita three volume set from @FLO earlier this year, and whilst I found it very interesting and have dipped in and out of it over many months, it's a challenging book to reference, as it's huge and not easy to find what you want 😬 There was a topic about this here: With hindsight, the PDF version may have been more accessible, but having bought the hardback copy I didn't want to spend twice for the same information! However, the publisher (Springer) have the eBook of this (and indeed all their books) on 50% off sale right now (until 1st December) and so if you're looking to obtain the PDF and/or EPUB copy of this book, now is a good time to do so: https://www.springer.com/us/book/9781493916634#otherversion=9781493916641 Discount code (also on the site) is: CYBER20SPR I've just bought and downloaded it and the PDF version is fully searchable, which makes it much more useful 👍 Just be aware the PDF is over 1GB in size! Still nice to have the hardback, as I love reference books (particularly about the moon) 😃 Cheers Gary
  10. Oh totally, but even so, how can a premium number exist in the UK regulated telecoms system that has that kind of instant charge attached to it... that needs addressing 😬
  11. Thanks for this, will keep a watchful eye out. I am surprised that OFCOM (or whoever monitors these things) allow a premium rate number with that kind of initial charge... I can think of no legitimate reason why any number should have a billing rate so high 😮
  12. Same here... that “haze” turned into a full on proper fog 😬Still, got 90mins on the moon and Mars too and an excellent view through the new dob 👍Hope you got some good views 😃
  13. Well I had an 90mins with the 10" dob before the haze came over and can confirm that this ES Focal Extender is effectively optically transparent and worked perfectly with all the Pentax XWs (30, 10 & 7) as well as the Panoptic 24 & 15mm. The moon using 2x on XW10 & XW7 was incredible... lovely bit of kit 👍 I've now ordered the ES 2x Focal Extender 1.25" variant, as it's significantly lighter and should work well on the StellaMira and remain balanced in the Zero mount 🤞
  14. After much deliberation back and forth, and good advice from everyone on here, I decided that I would get a 2x telecentric focal extender (to complement my 2.25x Hyperion barlow). These ES Focal Extenders have a good reputation and this 2inch variant will also allow me to try it with the Pentax XW30 too 🤔 This thing is quite heavy but fortunately, I now have the adjustable counterweights for the dob, to keep everything in balance 🤞
  15. For my initial foray into EEVA, got this on sale from @FLO to use with the ASIAir Pro.... a ZWO ASI 294MC (non cooled, as I'm only doing shortish exposures). By all accounts this should be more than enough to get started🤞
  16. Referring to the manual that @johninderby has reproduced, it's also worth trying the AZ5 arm in the vertical position (2nd image), as this will reduce the lever arm force being applied when you change focus. I had the AZ5 and used my Mak 127 in that configuration without any issues (as indeed you seem to have done). Also worth noting that in addition to the increased weight of the OTA over a Mak 127, there may indeed by both a greater distance from the mount pivot to the focuser compared to the Mak 127, and indeed the force applied when you change focus is different (Mak is a small rotation left/right, whereas the CC would be a forward/back motion further out)... I certainly found my ST120 was more prone to wobble when focusing on the AZ5 than the Mak 127 🤔
  17. A couple of Orion Dobsonian magnetic counterweights (3lb & 1lb)... to allow me to fine tune balance when using the heavier eyepieces, ES Teleextender (arriving soon) and binoviewers... they may also double as handles for moving the dob 😃
  18. Thanks for that useful piece of information, I've always found the Aero ED 35mm to be a good wide eyepiece (which is why I still have it) 👍 There wasn't much noticeable difference between the two on the StellaMira, but this is in an f/10 scope, so I would imagine any difference between the two was masked. Given that I already have (and like) the Aero ED 35mm and that I'm gaining nothing in terms of FoV increase and less magnification too, then regrettably I think I will likely be returning the StellaLyra 50mm SuperView as well. I'm enjoying the Pentax XW 30 very much in the Bresser 10" dob, so can't see it being used there at all, especially as it would give a 10mm exit pupil 😮
  19. Thanks for the report 👍 I had the chance to quickly check the 50mm SuperView against my Aero ED 35mm in my StellaMira 80mm ED f/10 last night and noticed very little difference between the two, except that of course the 50mm view was brighter. Given that the magnification was lower and the FoV almost the same, unfortunately I don't see much advantage in keeping both. I'll try it out in the Bresser 10" dob, but I think that's going to have much to big an exit pupil and given I've since bought the Pentax XW 30mm, can't see much use for it there either. On the plus side, the view was sharp across the field, it's light and the scope balance was maintained (but the Aero ED 35mm is too) 🤔
  20. To be fair, I bought these before going for the Pentax XWs... but yes, guilty as charged 🤣 I'm going to see if they're an improvement over the Meade 3000 16mm Plossls I currently use in the binoview. If they are, then great, if not then I will keep one for mono viewing and sell the other... just need clear skies and the moon again 🤞
  21. For use in the binoviewer and received via the forum from Steve (thanks 😃)... a pair of TeleVue 15mm Panoptics
  22. Thanks... I wasn’t aware of this other eyepiece and it does seem to be well respected and measures well. The balance issue is relatively minor and resolvable with a small counterweight on the dob and I’m quite happy with the quality and comfort of the view so far. However, I will be trying the XW30 with my StellaMira 80mm f/10 as well, where balance may be a bigger issue. I’m currently using an Aero ED 35mm with this, but may indeed consider this APF UFF as well. I note that it is out of stock across Europe currently, but may be available again next month or so. May well order one and try it. Those comparison images are quite compelling 👍
  23. For reference, this is the focuser with all the above changes made...
  24. For reference, this is the focuser with all the above changes made... the reason for not using a Bresser HexaFocuser compatible ClickLock adaptor was that I needed to maintain approx 40mm extension and it would have been too much with the existing extension tube, or too little without, so instead I used this one... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/baader-2-inch-click-lock-cl-extension-47mm.html
  25. That's a nice looking mount 😃 I love Alt/Az mounts, I use my iOptron AZ Mount Pro when I'm feeling lazy and just want "goto" or for keeping a good steady track on planets/lunar. Yours looks like a super beefed up SkyTee and similar to the AZ1000 👍 Enjoy that 200PDS, I'm sure you will... just need to get rid of these damn clouds 🤞
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