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Everything posted by Dannomiss

  1. exactly my point. My original budget was £150 which jumped to £200.... it was that much because I didn't know if I would like astronomy or not. But if the RDF is wrong, does mean i will need to invest in another £30 for a manufacturers fault
  2. For my first couple of weeks, not have that RDF lined up has been pretty frustrating locating things in the sky
  3. That is my guess as well. It seems angled to far to the right which isn't noticeable until you mount the RDF. When I receieve the the RDF that will be key to highlighting the issue and I either send telescope back and get a replacement, or buy a different scope or buy the Rigel QuikFinder Compact Reflex Sight that many have recommended on here.... I know its only a RDF but when you spend £200 you expect things to be right
  4. shoe not shim lol Red dot finder show mounted on the end of the telescope
  5. Same as mine 🙂 I think its the mounting shoe is off!
  6. Chris, I have had this issue too and the RDF for me is so off is crazy. I have contacted FLO and they are sending me a replacement RDF to see if its the issue. But thats the only thing I have been disappointed with. My only other issue really is a little shakiness due to the extension tube, but once it settles its great. Last night saw Jupiter and moons pretty clear using the 10mm EP and 2x barlow. I myself had a scan of Vega as well but couldn't find the ring nebula as of yet, but managed to see the double doubles 🙂
  7. Yeah I am short sighted as well and wear glasses, so this maybe an issue too. Time and practice will tell
  8. I have just downloaded a much better video app which has more ISO and EV settings for video, so will try that.
  9. Even on video it doesn't seem to capture correctly. the planet is just a white fuzzy ball
  10. Yes I can get infinity on the MF. I aligned eye piece up and tested in the day, which I know is very different (photo below) but when it comes to night time, I really don't know what I am doing wrong...
  11. Hi all I wonder if anyone can help. I have been trying to take pictures of Saturn and Jupiter the last few nights which has failed. I have a huwai mate p30 phone so has manual settings for photography, but I can't seem to get it focused, or even the planets, recognizable. They are just white, blurred etc. Is this just a practice thing... or will light pollution effect it etc? How do people go about taking photos. I have an adapter that attaches to eyepiece, so I am not hand holding, but I am getting pretty frustrated. Any help would be amazing!
  12. I'm loving the 150p. Had it since Tuesday 😊 just one thing to sort with company. But had a good view of saturn and tonight is looking promising again
  13. It is, but red dot finder doesn't align. So contacted company. Hopefully they will sort it and replace
  14. I have had a good play and managed to see saturn which has been the highlight so far. Jupiter and its Galilean moons 😊 However red dot finder won't line up and FLO company this the mount shoe has been attached wrong hence I never get it aligned up. They are going to sort monday. Either will send me new red dot finder to see if that's the issue or a new scope 👍 But here's my first attempt at saturn... Pretty rubbish, but good memories 😊
  15. Please don't pretend. It's rubbish 😂 couldn't get to grips with phone camera, plus how fast they move in the night sky, plus adjusting the telescope etc. But for first outing I'm stoked. Through the eyepiece it was stunning. So here's to better picrures for sure
  16. First outing with scope tonight and although a terrible photo I couldn't be happier, 👍😊
  17. Moulded into scope. Contacted FLO and they are going to look into this for me
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