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Everything posted by Dannomiss

  1. Thats the clamp I have John 🙂 cheap and cheerful but works great
  2. I have managed to get it too work 🙂 but theres also this adapter that works nicely .. https://www.altairastro.com/altair-self-centering-smartphone-telescope-adapter-215-p.asp
  3. To be fair I need a 12 or 15mm EP. The 10mm was too magnified and the 25mm was too far out.... so need a middle ground
  4. Was a tough one with so much haze around the moon, but pretty pleased with my second ever moon shot 🙂 Heritage 150p ISO 50 1/120 Sec Huawei P20 Edited in Photoshop
  5. Going to get the 12mm and 25mm next month 🙂 just to look at and put on the shelf lol
  6. Telling me?! 🙂 LOL, I am pleased with the new BST starguider 8mm lens for sure at £50. So much better than the kit lens. Unfortunately not much chance to play as so cloudy here in the UK at the moment 😞
  7. That is very true Jeremy 🙂 They look like fab EPs for sure. The £50 8mm, I have noticed the difference straight away and for what I need, think they will be absolutely fine for a good while. You enjoying the 150p?
  8. Wow £300?? I thought £50 for my BST starguider 8mm lens was a lot of money LOL
  9. Louis here you go... 😁👍 https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01EXX4IPW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Nbq.EbECBZJ7Y
  10. A little idea for you guys if interested. These little tripod extension arms work great so you can have a star map open that moves with the scope 😊🌟👍 InShot_20200701_203456036.mp4
  11. I'm Actually trying something like the second one tomorrow 😁👍
  12. Too right ay. Craziness. Wanted to get my second picture of the moon and its going to be cloudy here for quite a while yet 😔
  13. Oh completely missed that. Will take a look 😁👍
  14. Yeah on my Huawei phone it has 3 cameras so was always a struggle lining up the main camera. I just took the whole thing off and set it up from scratch and was about 3-4mins to put mount on and line up, so not too bad not a bad day time picture
  15. So I've looked at so many smartphone adapters and haven't decided which one to go for yet. However i bought this C clamp and I'm starting to like it. One benefit and you may disagree and please do disagree if you think it's not a good idea, but the thing i like is, its not attached to the actual lens which means the eye piece can be focused without the phone spinning around as well. Also it can attach anywhere and so can be used a star guide with an app. The only thing I've found is lining up the lens on phone to eye piece but once you have that it seems to work well with the BST star guide lenses. Also the tightening screw doubles up as a little handle to move the telescope left and right. The phone clamp was off another adapter and didn't come with the clamp. See what you think though
  16. If its great on your SW 200p I assume it will be great on the heritage 150p 🙂
  17. I Went for the 8mm as the 12mm was going to take 40-60days (However they are back in stock now - typical), but as I had the 10mm cheap kit lens the 8mm made sense. Can't wait to use it. 12mm purchase next month and then a 25mm I think
  18. Hi all, I wonder if anyone can help. The secondary mirror is pretty dusty mainly because of the heritage 150p design it's open... There's quite a bit of dust and a stray hair. Now I have read that you shouldn't clean this mirror, but will this effect the viewing experience? Or is there a safe way to clean or blow the dust off?
  19. You can buy them for 200P upwards but it's like £95. This cost me £10
  20. Thanks all. Really pleased with it. Took flipping ages sewing by hand but worth it 😁👌
  21. Just ashame it's cloudy here as the moon would be fab with this 8mm
  22. So I've been needing a shroud for my heritage 150p and today decided to make one out of rip stock nylon material. I don't have a sewing machine and so I have hand sewn it all. I'm pretty pleased with it. Just shows if you are determined you can do whatever you like 😊 And velcro is your best friend 😊
  23. Can't wait to view the moon again through it and see the difference 😁
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