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Everything posted by IB20

  1. No such problem with Ganymede’s shadow, it’s huge in comparison and is consistently visible. Lovely dual shadow formation when the seeing allows. Looks like the number 2 on a dice. 😁
  2. Finding the shadow rarely has good definition. Varies from a black dot to disappearing entirely! Optimum mag is 81x.
  3. Getting the odd ok seeing moment where Ganymede disc is peeping out of the limb and the Europa’s shadow has ingressed on the opposite limb.
  4. Very hazy but have managed to observe Europa ingress, GRS (albeit less vivid through the cloud) and occultation of Io. Will take these conditions if that’s all I get!
  5. Just watched occultation of Io, everything is going on tonight. Poor old Callisto must be feeling left out.
  6. Just put the Tak out, Europa is just brightening on the planetary limb. Io in the frame too on Jupiter’s Eastern side. Hopefully stays like this, hazy but will take it.
  7. If any night owls are up around midnight tonight and have favourable conditions, you should get to see an Io shadow transit next to the GRS. I’ll be tucked up in bed but hopefully someone gets to enjoy it! Hopefully some of the imagers get on it. 😁
  8. No way will I get to see this after today’s WL solar weather flukery. 😅
  9. Amazed you got any images or views with those conditions! 😲
  10. Next one for the UK is Saturday 29th March 2025!
  11. The chunky eye guards and eye relief of the XWs really help cos I just balance it on top and yes, I snap loads too! I want to upgrade my phone cos the new Google pixel cameras are incredible.
  12. Lovely! This is probably my best of the morning, decent conditions and really lucked out. Single handheld iPhone 11 image taken in Halide App and RAW image processed in Lightroom.
  13. And just like that, the clouds roll in… 👋🏼
  14. First time I’ve really looked at the bumps and mountains from the lunar limb as they eat into the solar disc. Stunning!
  15. Yay! Getting lucky for once… 😃😃
  16. Be interested if you can focus in your current set-up, click lock etc. May revisit the range if you have success.
  17. Excellent image of Mare Crisium; nice capture of the three pyramids too.
  18. I’m dropping £1800 a year on petrol, my mortgage could be up by £400 a month next renewal. I think the Pentaxes, TOEs, Morphei and Delites of the world are actually incredible value. That’s not to say the BSTs and cheaper ranges aren’t, it’s actually amazing what’s currently available in EP ranges. I certainly think there is a difference, I’ve compared my BSTs to the XWs and TOEs, I can tell but the BSTs are awesome EPs too. Is it worth the difference in cost? To me it is, even for these small margins. I can totally understand why others may not agree though.
  19. It’s the only non-regular thermal aberration I have ever seen in this particular scope though. No other eyepiece I own has ever shown similar. The XWs don’t seem to show it and they are only 6° smaller than the Morpheus.
  20. I have noticed some form of aberration (I’d say it would probably fit under the astigmatism description) in the 17.5mm Morpheus when paired with my 3” refractor but it was after <10 minutes acclimation and soon disappeared when the OTA was better cooled.
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