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Simon Pepper

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Everything posted by Simon Pepper

  1. Oh a double whammy look what Mr Postman bought today new optics, but it’s all about that SGL mug! Oh and unbelievably I have clear skies tonight the stars have aligned!
  2. Didn’t know WO were making one to be fair I will be sure to have a google and check it out!
  3. The difference is amazing really you can see artefacts from vignette where you have not taken flats but overall great shot! I am trying to see the tilt you mention but not able to get in close enough to see it... Annoying really as I posted an image a few weeks back where it was apparent and that was at f3.5. Not sure if I should try adding any spacers as it was only apparent on one side of the image could be trial and error or may just have to live with it.
  4. Agree with Powerlord great widefield shot there will have to try that on out πŸ‘Œ
  5. You can ignore this I have found the link in the competition tab it’s that the shortcut image does not link thanks
  6. @MartinB really glad to have made the top three thanks. On a separate note the SGL imaging challenge 7 SNRs and PNs link does not work are you aware of that? Thanks
  7. Hi Pierre see below. I believe its the older version of this as it has slightly different disconnecting button. I may just have a dud 135 lens lol I know the quality control is not always top notch... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/zwo-accessories/zwo-adjustable-eos-lens-to-t2-adapter-for-all-asi-cameras.html
  8. Hi Guys Wondering if someone can assist here. I have noted that my starts are not quite pin point when zooming in around the edges it seems worse in one corner of an image, but this one its top left. If looking bottom left they streak away bottom left as you come up to middle left they streak middle left and so on. I have seen this issue elsewhere but I don't actually know what it is whether its tilt, backspacing or some other issue.... I am new to the 135 so seeing here if anyone has had similar and been able to correct it? This was shot at f3.5 (stopped it down to see if it helped think it did ever so slightly but still apparent) 300s. I have attached the raw fit as well. Top left Bottom left Top right Bottom right Thank Light_IC1396_300.0s_Bin1_0012.fit
  9. Where is that this looks amazing? Can you just rock up and camp? Thanks
  10. If you have PI you can run the fix magenta stars script. That will take care of this. Great M31 though!
  11. Thanks for putting this one together Martin was a lot of fun and great idea πŸ‘
  12. Not the bestest composition here with the AAP guiding calibration screen as the backdrop πŸ˜‚ however was still pretty stoked to screen grab this one before the 2s loop on the camera was up and it refreshed away. I thought it was cool and worth a share certainly different πŸ‘ Thanks
  13. Hi Adam, the 135 is slightly thicker and bigger all round to the 14mm. For the 135 I am using the redcat ring but another user from SGL noted a sigma ring that also works but will need a bit of felt or Velcro added as it is about 1mm to big. That was this: 71mm Tripod Collar Mount Ring 1/4" for SIGMA APO 70-200mm F2.8 II EX DG MACRO HSM Lens https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07DVKZBXG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_9GWY361RF8KKMS66Y9PD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 I have just checked that ring on the 14mm and it fits snug over the aperture ring but obviously you will want it over the body and before the focus ring. See picture for guidance if I was a betting man I would say you probably want somewhere in the region of 69mm but I reckon the above options you could make work with a bit of diy tape, felt or Velcro.
  14. First light of Samyang 135 @ f2 on NGC7000, 185x30s lights, 30 flats, darks and darkflats. Imaged acquired 24/08 which I think has been this months second clear night all month for those of us here in the UK. I chose the SHO PI trick where you take 60% of the red and 40% of the green to make a blue channel and combined back to create a SHO image using Pixel Math. Image is a little cropped in this was done to get a better composition, but also wide open at f2 was optimistic. I think going forwards I will stop the lens down to 2.8 or 4.
  15. Haha classic photon hoover not heard that one before! So here is my processed effort decided on the SHO bodge in PI as Ha in the red can be a little overpowering. I guess each to own preference in this area! So I have actually cropped off the left side of the image and did a rotate for better composition and without zooming right in its turned out alright I think! This was 185x30s wanted to keep the exposures low as going to bosh it in SGL 30s maximum exposure contest. I will go back and check the uncropped version but I reckon I will need to stop it down to 2.8 and if going for really long exposures I think perhaps even more. I will also go back through this thread and read it all could be interesting. That will be done with a beer in hand and on laptop none of this iPhone malarkey. thanks
  16. I just replied here oh I really did get lucky last night 😊
  17. Hi Steve I was able to find focus last night with how I put it together so must just be really lucky 😊 I did notice some CA or coma not sure which when zoomed right in on single subs seem to be worse too left side these were 30s at f2. I am new to this lens first time out was last night do people generally stop it down to 2.8 or even 4? Trying to understand the sweet spot. Also the bug star off to the left has some odd cylinders type of line through it. This is completely unprocessed and one 30s sun. I will post the processed result after work today.
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