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Everything posted by parallaxerr

  1. Tadaaaaaa!!! Here it is in all it's glory, my Alt/Az imaging rig! Really pleased so far with how this has turned out, it's a very compact, neat little setup. Few issues: The Baader SCT to 2" click-lock doesn't have a shoulder inside for the draw tube to contact so it can be tightened. The adapter just screwed straight past the end of the draw tube and became loose and free to move fore and aft It's all very tail heavy as the L-bracket dovetail allows for exactly zero adjustment due to it's short length. Work arounds: Fitted a 7mm 2" extension to the snout of the MPCC and inserted it into click-lock and did it up TIGHT! Then screwed the click-lock onto the draw tube so that the snout extension now becomes the physical stop. Seems to be working OK, I guess the original WO adapter had a flange/shoulder inside for a stop. Rotate focuser 90° to get as far forward as possible & try it as it is! See what happens, the scope will be loaded against the Alt main gear quite a bit so hopefully it will track OK. Otherwise may need an ADM type dovetail extension. Took it all outside and set it going on M31, it's snapping away right now on the Hahnel Giga-T II Pro wireless intervalometer, which I can program from in the kitchen Very easy to handle and a breeze to align with the RDF and live view on the camera. Focus spot on with Bahtinov mask...let's see what comes out in an hour or so!
  2. Haha, I wish that were the case. It took me a good 5 minutes to clear a space to take that photo
  3. Woohoo, bits have arrived Bahtinov mask, Baader SCT to 2" click-lock, Baader MPCC and Nikon T-ring. Should have camera mounted to scope tonight, just hope there are no focussing issues. Should be OK for spacers if I need out-focus but in-focus is the main concern, however, the website I took the MPCC recomendation from didn't mention any issues with the WO ZS66 so fingers crossed.
  4. Scope balance/weighting. Guys, when seting up for Alt/Az imaging, are you biasing the weight of OTA and camera one way or another? I have read the EQ guys weight towards the East, I'm guessing to keep the mount geartrain loaded in the direction of tracking. Thus, I assume biasing the weight toward the objective end is preferable as the Alt axis is driving up when pointing East? Would you bias toward the rear when pointing West?
  5. Thanks for the welcome Steve, I'll look into the book, see if I can download it for Kindle. Edit: That didn't take long!...
  6. Well there's a challenge if I ever heard one! You are very persuasive Ian I'm sure I'll be on M31 sooner rather than later!
  7. Rock solid. I only mount small fracs up to 120mm on it which are well below the design payload. I have no concerns over stability.
  8. I DO already have an Alt/Az - the Nexstar SE. That's the point, I'm just having a go with what I've got!
  9. Thanks for the welcome, as it happens I just punched the scope and camera data into FOV calculator and got this... M31 is nicely positioned for me at the moment but I want to learn to walk before I can run! The double cluster in Perseus is one of my favourite visual objects and nicely positioned too so should be a good target to start with. Being brighter I hope to get away with less/shorter subs and test my hand at DSS.
  10. Hi everyone, Well, I've just finished reading the contents of this thread and I must say I'm thoroughly impressed with the quality of images here! I never thought it would be possible to creat images like these with the sort of equipment being used, I have obviously been brainwashed by the EQ only crowd I was pointed in this direction when @happy-kat put me onto @The Admiral after disussing something about my Nexstar SE mount in another thread (I forget exactly what, now). Having spoken to Ian via PM I found myself being gently encouraged to have a go at Alt/Az imaging. So...this is to say hello and I hope to join the party soon, as I've placed an order for all necessary bits to get my camera on the end of a scope (highlighted blue below)! My setup will consist of: Celestron Nexstar SE 6/8 mount William Optics Zenith Star 66SD doublet Apo Baader SCT to 2" click-lock Baader Multi Purpose Coma Corrector (proven to work rather nicely with the 66SD here - http://www.stark-labs.com/craig/WO66SD/WO66SD.html) Nikon T-ring Nikon D3200 DSLR Here's to hopefully contributing my first images before too long and quizzing you all on exactly where I'm going wrong! Looking forward to this little foray into imaging! Jon
  11. Ah 75° is fine, the handset will make suggestions above this but give you a slew warning if you try to goto them. I'm restricted to 62° before that pesky compression ring screw on the moonlite contacts.
  12. Just realised you have the built in wedge which could help get around the Alt restriction, apart from when pointing N. I'm tempted by the wedge for mine as it should allow the scope to go past Zenith on the S meridian.
  13. Big brother to Chris's setup ST120 on Nexstar SE6/8 now updated with moonlite. Despite the Alt restriction, I think you'll enjoy that setup @Chris Lock, very grab & go. I was tempted by the same scope before realising the 120 would fit.
  14. Hi Knighty, the wrap is Carbon fibre effect vinyl from eBay. Not sure which seller I used but there's loads on there selling it.
  15. ST120 added to the frac stable. Fitted the standard dual speed crayford from the ED80 and wrapped & flocked the dew shield, looking forward to first light
  16. Two of my fracs in action under two very different skies...
  17. A little update on my frac after some recent mods
  18. THIS!!! Second on my list after a 152mm Mak. These Starwaves look beautiful and your pictures are better than any retail ones I've seen. Scope look like it oozes quality
  19. My ED80 on Celestron Nexstar SE mount, yet to see first light! Nice and sturdy setup but easily transportable.
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