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Everything posted by Barry-W-Fenner

  1. John, I like the focus control knobs on your Bresser being positioned at an angle. I assume this aids comfort and use when the scope is around 45 degrees. is this a modification you did yourself or just the way this particular focuser is produced? Baz
  2. Out of interest AdeKing, Any pics of the 200p attached to this mount you can upload? Baz
  3. That is encouraging to hear, I will keep my eyes open! Regards Baz
  4. I really like the "dob knob" under the chin of my 200p It really helps me maneuver the scope around. I think I will certainly keep an eye out for one of these bases. Is there any known mod to increase the alt bearing on the Skywatcher base? Baz
  5. I think I will be keeping an eye on the classifieds & good old flea bay then. Thank you
  6. One thing I cant understand though. When turning the scope what do you hold on to. My current Sky Watcher mount has the handles on the alt bearing to hold, i cant seem to see anything on the OO Base. Baz
  7. Why John, WHY! 🙂 That base for the 8" looks great! I would really like that, I assume I would need all components listed. The best part of another £300 - I dont know if I could sneak this purchase past the wife 🙂 Thank you baz
  8. I am really liking this type of base, The Altitude bearing ( sorry I cant remember if thats alt or az) Looks a nice improvement. I have been fortunate that my 200p base has performed very well when aiming the scope. However last night in my brief session I noticed that when moving up and down it was starting to stick a bit and making me lose my target. If I could make this function a bit smoother that would be helpful. Baz
  9. I very much agree. As mentioned I spent a bit of time on Jupiter late last year, and although it is currently quite low for us I did manage to see the GRS and various colour bands. The longer I looked the clearer these details became. Saturn on the other hand was a bit different, Once the initial excitement of actually seeing it passed i could not really see to much detail, I dont think I managed to see the division in the rings. I feel like I have unfinished business with Saturn and I look forward to seeing it at a higher altitude! I have been real impressed with Uranus. Not much to see from a detail perspective but it showing a perfectly crisp round green / white disk. Baz
  10. Excellent read 🙂 I am new to this hobby and am enjoying bumbling my way around the night sky trying to piece it all together. It has resulted in some frustrating sessions but when it all goes right you feel great for making them discovery's. Regards Baz
  11. The little 200p & Nephews 76 heritage have joined the party 🙂 Baz
  12. Another John with a great collection and experience with various scopes. I know where to go when i need advise on my next dob 🙂 Baz
  13. 250px for £100 buy it now! Bargain of the century John! Excellent set of scopes you have there. I still have my eye on your current Orion Optics 12" 🙂 Its good to read your positive words about the 200p, Hearing that from someone with your experience and numerous scopes is reassuring that I will find many great things with mine! Regards Baz
  14. I will get there in the end, as with Uranus Neptune seems to be avoiding me. However I found that it seemed extra special spotting Uranus after several attempts. I hope to have the same fist pump moment with Neptune when I finally see it. I did have a great mini session thanks, it was nice to actually get out the after a week of cloud. I am coming to the conclusion that any night we can do some viewing is a good night with our unpredictable weather 😁
  15. Some times it all comes together, in the right place at the right time and a little luck you get the magic shot! Do you have the pic available, that would be great to see Marv Baz
  16. Just having a catch up on all the posts, some wonderful story's and experiences that have been shared. It's really inspiring to think we can all look at the night sky and maybe if we are lucky see something that will stay with us! I have also been fortunate enough to see what I believe to have been a blue meteorite cross the sky. It was around 3am one morning, I had the scope all set up and was looking arround wondering what to have a look at and a really slow blue tailed object went overhead and split into 3 smaller ones which shot in different directions, that was really cool and up there for me as one of my best sights Baz
  17. Hey Big spender! This soon after Xmas to 😊 Enjoy! Baz
  18. The moon certainly did look great! Such an amazing site. It was a little wobbly here though. I assume that's down to the slight breeze we have at the moment? Venus is also starting to look amazing, as you pointed out the gibbous phase is really clear now that she's gaining some height. I have one of the variable polarising filters on order which should arrive soon, I look forward to checking Venus out with that! There seems to be a very small window in which to see Neptune at the moment, to early and the sky is to bright, to late and its dropped below the horizon. I found something in its rough location but as mentioned above I seem to have a bit of wobble in the eye piece tonight, I couldn't make out of it was possibly a planet or star!
  19. Nice one Littleguy80 By the time I managed to get out Neptunes rough location had dropped below the neighbours fence unfortunately. As you say the moon looked great though, along with Venus and Uranus baz
  20. That was my problem also. The moon and Venus were stunning but they were so low, just above the neighbours 6ft fence. Neptune wasn't to be tonight. Over to Uranus instead baz
  21. Thank you Mark. It is impressive how you experienced pros on here can go straight to Neptune. I am going to give it my best shot and hope to locate it. It's a new one for me, at least the crescent moon and if I am not mistaken crescent? Venus look stunning to view if I luck out with Neptune Enjoy the squash Baz
  22. Moon and Venus in my sights. Just need Neptune to make an appearance. Let's get hunting
  23. Oh my days the moon and Venus look amazing. Only had a quick look between doing the kids dinner, our dinner, Wasing up and planting herbs 😁 I hope to get a look Neptune shortly. Fingers crossed
  24. "What did the postman bring" Nothing! I am so upset. I have a small list of trinkets that I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of! Baz
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