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Blog Comments posted by Lurcher

  1. Brilliantly written David.

    Reminds me of my last holiday in the Lake District where there were really dark skies too, and like you I had a car full of not only my family and luggage; but Wiggins our dog too!

    I don't have a smaller travel scope so couldn't take anything with me, although I wish now I'd just taken a pair of binoculars. The skies were brilliant, and just like you mentioned, I remember standing out in a field staring up at the skies just making out all the constellations, until I heard the eeriest loud noise I've ever heard. I can only assume it was a fox, but it was so strange I really couldn't make out if it was from an animal or a human! Certainly it was enough for me to decide I'd probably spent long enough standing in the dark in the middle of a field by myself. (I think I would have been out all night though if I'd had my scope with me).

    Thanks for posting it was a great read.

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  2. Hey well done! I think I've read your previous posts and know you've waited a long time to finally get a scope and be able to use it outside.

    We had a clear sky last night for the first time in ages too. It's such a welcome after so long isn't it!?

    My back garden is pretty limited too, with the only benefit being that Orion is directly behind me at the moment at night, so that works well at this time of year.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say that I looked quickly at M31 last night too as that's always a good one, but I was really disappointed with the views of it last night. It was quite high in the sky but, (and possibly due to the neighbours' sodding external lights), I could hardly see anything! So if it was looking good for you last night and you managed to find it you did well.

    Well done for getting out with your scope last night and the write up.


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  3. Hey well done!! You've put me to shame! The King Ethelbert Pub at Reculver organize a Boxing Day swim and I always say one year I'm going to do it with my Daughter who's keen to join in, but then every year, I say, "I can't do it as we've now been invited round to see someone or another."

    Perhaps next year I should be more determined, make it a priority, and not find excuses!

    Well done again!

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