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Posts posted by Greymouser

  1. Not really astro related, but will certainly make me feel better whilst I watch the rain drizzle down the window.


    Lovely and smooth, despite not being a single malt...
    Now, the question is, will I finish the bottle before I get the chance to try out my new scope? 🤔

    • Like 9
    • Haha 7
  2. 1 hour ago, JeremyS said:

    You’d better let that poor seal out, then. 🦭 

    Considering the weather, it would do better in my back garden at the moment, than this:


    Forgive the poor photo please, doesn't do the scope justice. I am ashamed at my poor photography indeed, especially as I have a proper camera now, even if it doesn't often get used... 

    This scope could well replace three others, now all I have to do is break it to some other scopes that their days are numbered. :sad: Well, when I say three, maybe just two. Certainly one. ( Anyone got the name of a good therapist? :icon_rolleyes: )

    Also, just arrived moments ago via Amazon:


    The book seems better that last year almanac, which was Henbest and Cooper. I will have a proper look afterwards. It's been a good day today for deliveries, just waiting on one more a bottle of Sheep Dip! :grin:


    • Like 13
  3. 4 hours ago, rl said:

    Common sense has to apply; no way is it worth a hernia,

    To late I am afraid, I already have a small hernia and a screwed back from caring for my wife, which sometimes includes the joy of lifting her up off the floor! 🤣

    I think I may well be certifiable, even considering a 12"! :grin: :rolleyes2:

    I do not get any pain or discomfort from the hernia though and am avoiding a repair for now, because of Covid and me being unwilling to put my wife in a care home, which are all just in an awful situation, at the moment.

    I think a 12" could still be manageable with ramps/trolley and very great care! 🤪

  4. 14 hours ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

    Ahhh... Greymouser not mentioning the f6 ed72 in the opening post was a trap!

    My rationale was based on owning two... Thinking the f7 ED would manage decent quality views at higher mags while also about 2x the fov of the f13 so better for for widefield. Plus as prevously mentioned, easier to manage, mount and store.

    Adding the f6 ed72 along with the f13 that you're happy with suggests you don't need another. 😀 Maybe treat yourself to some Pentax XW eps on sale at FLO before there's none left in the country? 😉


    Not an intended trap, sorry. You are also right, accessories would be a better idea. I had not noticed the Pentax sale... At least talking it through here has been very helpful, thank you all. :smiley:

    My back just breathed a sigh of relief! :rolleyes2:

    • Like 1
  5. Thank you for all the input, certainly lots extra to think about. 🤔

    It seems most seem to think the Starfield is the way to go, but I just cannot help thinking it is just duplicating what I already have. Especially when you consider that I would have to get another mount, to get the most out of it as it will just not fit on my AZGTi. My current intended travel combo is my F6 72mm EDF with a very high Strehl and my C5, which appears to be a good example of that sort of scope. Together they weigh about the same as the Starfield 102 and both go well on the AZGTi. Then I can mount them together if I got a little Castor or the mini Ercole. They cover quite a wide range of targets, which leaves me wondering what the Starfield would give me extra? Especially when I consider the Bresser F13.2, which is just so good ( amazing value too! ) and surprisingly easy to handle, certainly much more so than its big brother the 127L. The only problem there is the size of the Skytee with extension. I will check, but the image given from that may well be better than the EDF 72, cleaner with perhaps less CA, even though one is an acro and the other is high Stehl FPL53! ( Neither show any noticeable CA in focus, but the EDF has such a narrow range of focus... )

    However, as Mr. Spock says: Drool! The Starfield is just such a nice, available, new shiny! I am struggling to stop my self from ordering one! I am obviously very bad. :embarassed:

    Then again as Carbon Brush says: " But 4" of lens vs 12" mirror....... "

    That has been so much in my mind, as a 12" is probably about the maximum I could manage, though not without issues. But could I persuade my wife that it would look good in the corner of the living room? It could be an interesting talking point after all ! Also, I very much doubt I could get it away to a proper dark site, as things stand at the moment, so another mark against its justification. As is the future and my inevitable deterioration in health. The C9.25 is at the limit for my fitness and nerves...

    I also guess there is a third way, I could just get a few more good eyepieces, maybe a top of the range diagonal, because if I don't, the temptation may well be just too great and I may well end purchasing something I will later regret. Again. 

    As ScouseSpaceCadet implies though, this is definitely a first world problem, after all I don't really need any scopes, never mind the too may I do have!  :shocked:

    ( But me wantssss a precious, many of them. Anyone got a Tak they no longer really need? :grin: )

    • Like 1
  6. Well, they are about the same price, but offer very different things. One is going to be bought shortly, but which one?

    The Starfield just looks so good, seems to ooze quality, but I have an issue with it: Can I justify it when I already have a very good 102, the Bresser AR-102L, which at F13.2 shows no CA at all? It also has a very good focuser and is a very much underrated scope.  The only problem with it that it is very long ( ! ) and means I really need to use the extension for my Sky Tee. It is very good though and except for portability, I am not sure how the Starfield will improve on it? I also have a very good C5, which is even more portable than the Starfield. 

    As for the light bucket, whilst it will show a lot more than my C9.25, it is very bulky and heavy, which as I get older is going to be a huge problem I suspect. My health now, tells me it could be a problem from the get go. Realistically I would have to store it the shed full time, which would just make me so nervous, what with damp etc.. Then there is the problem of justifying that scope too, considering my Bortle 6 skies.

    Which way do you clever people think I should go? Or maybe some other alternative I have no considered? I had been considering a Meade LX 200 8" OTA, but as that has just gone up in price, ( a lot, ) that is a no go now.

    Thank you in anticipation. :smiley:


    • Like 2
  7. 16 hours ago, Robindonne said:

    I think its basically a very expensive mount head.  Just the head

    Not sure I can agree with you there, it is much more than " just " a mount head. Price wise it is not cheap, but not that bad, € 371 before taxes, not that far from other mounts with a 15 or 20 KG payload capacity, better than some . ( Depends on who you trust regarding payload, though Berlebach claim 20 KG. ) I would say a payload of 15 or 20 KG in a mount that weighs just 3 KG is pretty darned good! Just a shame there are no slo-mos.  Certainly worth consideration, especially with a Berlebach tripod. I also have suitable weights already.  :smiley:

    The lack of reviews is a big negative though, hence this thread. :undecided:

  8. Anyone got any real information on this mount? Anyone used one?  It is obviously a great make, seems to be very good on paper, ( only 3 KG in weight! ) but I just cannot help thinking: What is the catch! :rolleyes2:



  9. May I ask why you are sticking with the finderscope mounting for the Evoguide 50? I have the little 50 ED too and mounted it on one of these: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/finders/william-optics-new-slide-base-50mm-guiding-rings.html

    Then on a normal Vixen bar. ( Though I think I may have now used that vixen bar elsewhere... ) The fit is not perfect as it is a little too marrow, but it is fine and firm and in my mind, better than the supplied finderscope rings. I will dig it out tomorrow and photograph it, if I remember and if you like. :smiley:

  10. 2 hours ago, Stu said:

    The 75 relates to the main parts being 75mm in diameter, vs 100mm for the AZ100. I suspect that means it is nearer half the weight but haven’t measured it.

    Would you mind weighing it please? Also I assume it has slow mo controls?

    I have to say, I am not jealous of the equipment you have, not even your latest scope, but your garden; house and that view! Wow, just wow! I am almost insanely jealous of that, you are very lucky, though I have no doubt well earned. :Envy::grin:

    • Thanks 1
  11. Yes I did think that about the AZ5, but had read many opinions on here saying with a good tripod the limit was 9KG. It seemed illogical to me, I mean yes I can imagine a good wooden tripod dampening down vibrations, but change the " breaking strain " of the mechanics, seemed an odd presumption. I guess part of it, was me wanting to believe the opinions of some. I trust your opinion though @johninderby, considering your obvious mechanical skills so often on show. The AZ5 idea is now  dropped. Have you tried the Scopetech Zero? Could that cope with a short 5.2KG OTA? 

    If not the Zero, If I still want an 8" SCT on a portable mount, it will have to be one with out slo mo... The Castor? Or how about the  Giro Ercole or mini? Not sure how much of a weight saving the Ercole would be over the Skytee2.

    Or maybe I just need to go away and think about the direction I want to take next, look again at what I already have...

    Edit: @Louis D I had considered that, but would be unsure whom to go with, would also worry about how robust the result would be. Any suggestions?


  12. I thought the weight limit of the Scopetech Zero was 7 KG? At 5.2 KG for the lightest 8" SCT, if i kept the rest of the bits light enough, I would get away with it. I would never consider trying one on the AZGTi. The AZ5 limit is 9KG, if I could find a substantial enough/compact tripod, to go with it. The length of the 8" SCT is only 46 cm too. The Heritage dob is not light enough I suspect and loses on aperture.

  13. 1 minute ago, JeremyS said:

    Depends what you mean by transportable. By air, car or just into back garden?


    All three I guess, but mainly car; back garden and even at a pinch backpack/trailer to a very remote place.

    I know the C5 and EDF 72 are very easily used, but I suppose I want more!  :grin:

    I suspect the 8" SCT would be a lot easier than the C9.25. The C9.25 weighs in at just over 9 KG, the 8" SCT is at 5.2 at the lightest variant. The C9.25 would never fit on the Scopetech Zero either! I am not sure I want to try carrying the C9.25 and Evolution mount around in a backpack really. :rolleyes2:

    As for the suggestion of getting a Tak FC100, nice, but, well there is the thing of budget consideration, never mind just not enough aperture. I mean I could get an 8" SCT; Zero and good wooden tripod for less than a Tak... :smiley:

  14. This old thing occurs to me again, partly as I get older and I begin to fall apart! :rolleyes2:

    I have a decent set of scopes, though some of them just have to go, unfortunately, not many have ben out recently, indeed I have done little observing recently at all. I have mostly been using my C5 and EDF 72 refractor, they are just so easy to get together with the AZGTi! My C9.25 however, hasn't been out in well over a year! ( No need to go into the reasons, it just hasn't! :sad: )

    I have always been thinking about travel and ease of deployment, always considering the many options. Recently I have been considering the option of the Scopetech Zero mount, with a compact decent tripod and maybe my CC6. The thing is, I am not sure that I really get on with the CC6, even though for value for money, it is hard to beat. Then I saw that an 8" SCT is about the same weight as the CC6, similar size. Mmmmm...

    The budget needs to be considered, but just what is the biggest aperture that is transportable, without too much fuss and within a decent budget? The CC6 or a 8" SCT would perhaps be pushing the Zero, but it should be doable, if not maybe the AZ5 with a decent tripod?

    I am left pondering further purchases, selling some existing kit, but just which direction to go in? :dontknow:

    ( Not just for travel either, but the future and use at home... )


  15. 17 hours ago, Alan64 said:

    The 30x47x2(mm) needle-thrust bearing, from VXB Bearings in California, arrived this late morning, and for the DEC-axis.  It fits snugly, like a charm, over the DEC pipe, yet spins freely...


    That's the result of the 30mm I.D. 

    However, I took a gamble, a risk, in getting this bearing with its 47mm O.D.  I would've preferred a 40mm, but that was not written in the stars to be.

    It almost falls in where it's supposed to fit, but it will snap in, and is easily popped back out...


    The inner wall of the cavity is perhaps 46mm in diameter, at least.  There's a wee bit of over-spray, paint, there within, but after I sand that smooth, perhaps grind just a bit round the bearing itself, it should then fall in place and spin freely.

    The bearing will be sandwiched bewixt two bronze washers, lovingly crafted by yours truly.  Can't have steel bearing against aluminum in both directions, gracious no. 

    Admittedly, this bearing may only amount to fluff, and nothing more, but I wanted at least one within this axis.

    You show an awful lot of skill in what you do, post some wonderful fascinating stuff. I wonder though, with your skill, have you ever thought of building your own mount from scratch? That would be truly fascinating. :smiley: 

    • Like 1
  16. I am tempted to get one of these, but do not like the vixen dovetail clamp on it, just no appeal in them damaging dovetails! :rolleyes2:

    Therefore, I was wondering can this be easily swapped for a better one from ADM or such like? Please consider my poor engineering skills, when thinking about this. I can do limited stuff, but nothing to complex as I lack the tools; experience and confidence. :smiley:

  17. On 22/06/2021 at 15:02, johninderby said:

    And inside the box a little Bresser MC100 mak OTA. Bought off ABS on Sunday and delivered this morning. 👍🏻 Did upgrade the stock RDF to a SW 6x30 RACI and fitted a dielectric diagonal.

    In like new condition and no wait for it to come back into stock at a dealer. One German dealer is quoting April 2022 availability. 🙀🙀🙀



    Didn't you sell one of these not so long ago? if so, what made you get another, if you don't mind me asking?

    I have to say, I have been tempted by this and it's bigger brother, even though I have a C5. ( In fact I nearly bought the one you sold, I think... ) :smiley:

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