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Posts posted by Greymouser

  1. 37 minutes ago, Louis D said:

    Off topic a bit, but don't y'all have outdoor public tennis courts that are free to play on? 


    Certainly didn't when I was growing up, nor now round here. They exist, but there is a fee to be paid, small(ish) but there you go. Never stopped us playing tennis endlessly every summer! Cricket too, which we played anywhere, where we didn't get chased off! As for golf, growing up in Blackpool, a seaside resort, many used to play golf on the beach, though I doubt that really counts. There was/is a local municipal golf course though, which was affordable. I do believe that  is no longer so affordable. 

  2. From Screwfix today, via Parcel Force:


    Not astro related? Well certainly my wife and credit card hope so, because it is already giving me ideas about what weight and bulk I can actually manage. :rolleyes2:

    ( Someone lock my card away! )

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    • Haha 5
  3. 10 hours ago, Mr Spock said:

    The complete opposite is true. When I first started in astronomy a 10" scope was a years wages! I had to save for months just to buy an 8" mirror set.


    Back in the in the beginning of this hobby for me, I could not even afford to buy the mirror set, just drooled over the pictures. I made do with my old 50mm Greenkat and binoculars. I still have that scope, just cannot bring myself to bin it. When I look at the kit available now, even with the recent price rises, it is still way less expensive to get involved, than back in the 80's. ( As a proportion of income. ) That said, for the poor, it is still going to need planning and as ScouseSpaceCadet  says, sacrificing other things. For me it has been no holiday since 2007, for instance. :shocked:

    Not that the reason for that was to intend to buy astro kit, but never mind...

    This whole thread makes me think of a certain Monty Python sketch. :rolleyes2:

    • Like 3
  4. I have still to get a chance to use this mount in anger, as it were, but I foresee a potential problem. The dec motor lead is on the short side and is very stiff, I can predict a tangle in the near future, without care. Is there a replacement lead available anywhere?  Preferably like the Lynx astro power lead, nice and flexible. I know, I am probably worrying over nothing, but I prefer to be prepared... :smiley:

  5. Hi an welcome.

    Only piece of advice I would give is: Take your time, there is no rush and far better to make no costly mistakes. Buy second hand too, to start with, less risk of loss of money. :smiley:

  6. On 24/01/2022 at 14:46, jacko61 said:

     EQ8R lynx astro cable from FLO. The cable has had to be returned though - somehow it's been constructed with rings at one end and a cigar lighter adaptor (instead of an eq8r plug) at the other.




    Not too sure what this could actually be used for... However, also in hand very quickly by FLO. No surprise I think they are the only place to shop for astro gear! Also got one of these too: :smiley:



    • Like 6
  7. It must be Christmas again! After returning something that did not quite work out, I put the money towards this. Thank you FLO. :smiley:



    Looks good, doesn't seem to be any real wobble, as some predict and seems very stable. I got the adapter that @johninderby suggested and whilst it works, it is only going to have to be temporary, it just looks too much like a bodge job. The holes are just not quite in the right place. Just got to wait for the proper ones to come back in stock and for me to sort the money to buy them! :grin:

    Of course it is solid wall to wall cloud now!

    • Like 9
  8. Hi and welcome to the best astro forum. No idea what you mean about different groups, ( perhaps, ) we are all in this together are we not? 😛

  9. 28 minutes ago, ScouseSpaceCadet said:

    Thanks to you both. I'm seriously considering going ahead.


    Be quick deciding, there were four in stock at FLO yesterday, now only two. A price rise is probable and FLO are by far the best seller. :smiley: ( Never mind how many months till restocked... )

  10. I was thinking a similar way, one mount to replace two, whilst maintaining ease of use. For me  it was the Sky Tee and Evolution, though I am not sure about the Evolution, because it is a very good mount, with excellent tracking/goto. With all its flaws, I will be keeping my AZGTi though, it is just too convenient. Therefore I hope your reasoning is good, because it is pretty much the same as mine.   :smiley:

    I ordered an AZ-EQ5 yesterday, partly to avoid the ( probable, ) impending price hike! Now I just have to wait for it to be dispatched from FLO... :rolleyes2:


    • Like 1
  11. First chance in ages to get out, though only for a very short session so far, with my new scope, so I guess first light.


    Only had chance for a quick look at Jupiter, just before it disappeared behind a neighbours house. First time in months I have had a chance to observe at all, so all good. No visible CA at all, but there was an odd visual effect, almost like an elongation of light out of each side of the image. The scope had just come out of a warm house into the cold outside though...

    Several bands seen though, at modest magnification, so a good start. :smiley:

    Edit: Not so sure now, between whispy stuff, got to see a few more things, not least M42, but couldn't get much magnification, but did see the Trapezium at 27 X or so. I tried greater power, but no luck at 107 X. I don't know if it was conditions or what. Certainly the scope was well cooled down by then. I was expecting better that that to be honest. Just 57 X was the limit. :sad:

    I am now left wondering if I have made a mistake buying this scope, perhaps should have waited for the 12" dob. I will sleep on it, give it another try, if weather allows. Certainly relieved I bought it from FLO, so not too worried either way. 🤔

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